Bonus: Sadie's POV - After visiting Rachel and receiving the prophecy

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Okay guys. If you pay close attention in serpents shadow, it's revealed the Drew and Lacy go to Sadie's school. So what happens when they figure out each others secrets?


I was walking around Camp, exploring, when I saw a familiar wave of sleek black hair.

There's no way, I thought. I have some business to attend to.

The regretfully familiar figure sat on the steps to the amphitheater, brushing her hair and chatting with some cute boy. I stormed over, my combat boots making imprints in the harshly packed together dirt.

"Drew?" I asked incredulously.

She turned around, her eyes wide, and her "perfect" lip gloss glistening.

"Sadie?!" She exclaimed back, looking at me in disgust. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't tell me you were a demigod!" I said. I was completely shocked. I didn't think for a moment that the stuck-up girl at school could possibly be anyone worthy of note. I still didn't think she was, but being at Camp Half-Blood meant that she was, well, a half-blood.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, hon. Obviously. I don't go around to mortals telling them my secret. You didn't tell me  that you're  a demigod."

"I'm not," I said.

"Well then, what are you?"

"A magician," I said smugly.

She sneered. "You going to pull a rabbit out of a hat? Disconnect a couple of rings?"

Angrily, I shouted hah-ri, the Divine Word for silence. She tried to say something snarky back, but no words came out.

"There, that's better," I replied, smiling sweetly. After multiple rude gestures, I snapped my fingers and let her speak again.

"That doesn't prove anything!" She yelled, clearly flustered.

"Really? What can you do? Be a jerk, look pretty?"

"I am the daughter of Aphrodite, hon. Love can do so much more than look good."

I doubted that, when it came to Drew.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that, hon."

"I could charmspeak you right now, if I wanted to."

"Oh, the thing that Piper can do? I'm sure that you're just as powerful as she is. I'm really impressed, Drew. I didn't think my opinion of you could get any lower. I feel bad for Piper, having to deal with you constantly."

I walked away, leaving Drew fuming.


I made it my mission to avoid Drew at all costs for the rest of my visit. Not that I would have much trouble with that - she spent 90% of her time in the bathroom, which was no different than at school.

But, I did manage to see another familiar face. I was strolling towards the dining pavilion when I saw a head with two blonde pigtails trouncing around in front of me.

You can't be serious, I thought.

"Lacy?" I shouted, partly out of surprise and partly to get her attention.

She whipped her head around, a look of confusion on her acne-ridden face.

"Sadie? Um... hi? Why are you here? Are you a demigod too? Did you just get claimed?" She asked, squinting her eyes to be sure that it actually was me. Surprise crept into her voice.

"Ah... no. Long story, basically, Egyptian deities are real - crazy, yadda yadda yadda. I'm an Egyptian magician."

Her eyes widened, and it looked like she was about to have a whole mental breakdown from the realization. ""

Don't get me wrong. Lacy is a really sweet girl. But she's really just not my cup of tea, you know? Too shy for my tastes. I would hang out with her if I had to, but I would much rather spend time with my other mates. Nevertheless, I was curious what her backstory was.

"So... that means you're a demigod, right?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Y-yeah! My mom is Aphrodite."

"Wait. Aphrodite? But... I just ran into Drew. Drew is your sister?"

She looked down at the ground. "Unfortunately. I hate her. When she was head counselor, she always made me clean up everything, even if it was all her fault. Thankfully, Piper stepped in."

I was liking Drew less and less the more I knew about her.

"So, this is the summer camp you talked about. Impressive. I figured you just meant some sort of silly camp with horse riding lessons all day or something."

"Well, you could take horse riding lessons. Or I guess I should say pegasi."

"Pegasi? You guys have pegasi here?"

She nodded. "Not my favorite. I'm scared of heights. I'd rather do arts and crafts."

I remembered how incredible Lacy was at sculpting. Some of her statues really wowed me.

"Well, Lacy. You have a lot of explaining to do. Talk while we eat?"

She smiled. "Sure, Sadie."


Helloooooo! Just some short bonus content :)

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