Chapter 13: Alex's POV

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After we were all introduced to, like, twenty people that I definitely was not going to remember the names of, we hung up on the FaceTime and all eight of us turned to each other.

"So, there's gotta be a portal somewhere around here that leads to their camp, right?" I asked, signing along for Hearth's benefit.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Magnus replied. He ran his fingers through his golden blonde hair, reminding me that it was getting way too long again. That could be easily remedied. It was really fun watching him get mad at me for cutting his hair.

Looping my arm through his, I said, "Better start looking. There are way too many doors in this place."

"Ugh. Agreed. One time, I thought I was walking into a taco restaurant, but I ended up in a sauna. I really did not want to see all of the chest hair on a bunch of Vikings," T.J. said.

I laughed. "I really wish I could've seen your face."

T.J. shivered.

Let's go, Hearthstone signed, sliding his two hands past each other.

Ever since Hearth had really become inducted into our friend group, everyone had started learning Alf Sign Language, though they really weren't good at it. I could only understand bits and pieces of what they were saying most of the time. It's a good thing Hearth could read lips too.

We all made our way to Magnus' door, and walked out into the hallway of Floor 19. Not surprisingly, Halfborn tried to take the lead and push his way through the group of us, but was beaten back by Mallory.

"You'll get us lost," she said.

I couldn't really argue with that. But, he had been here the longest out of any of us. Still, Hotel Valhalla was so big, I don't think any amount of experience could lead to us being able to navigate it properly. We were gonna get lost either way.

Me and Magnus lingered by the back of the group, walking hand in hand. We were in a comfortable sort of silence, when we reached a door that I had never seen before, on Floor 24. The rest of the group had moved on, but something about it didn't seem right.

"Hey, guys! I think this could be the right portal," I shouted, making sure they could hear me.

"How come?" Magnus asked.

"I don't know. I can just feel it. Something weirdly magical about it. Maybe it has something to do with being a child of Loki," I replied.

Sam glanced back at the door and said, "Now that I think about it, something about it doesn't seem right. It's like an itch in the back of my head."

"See! Told you. It's a Loki thing."

Halfborn reached out to the green doorknob, and slowly started to turn it. He really has a flair for dramatics, I guess.

The door swung open, and on the other side, there was a lush forest abuzz with life. Birds flitted around, and the very trees seemed to be alive and conscious. However, there was still a foreboding feel to the air. I could tell that something was lurking just beyond our eyesight.

"Woah," T.J. breathed.

I shushed him, and I reached into my pocket for my garrote. I also still had the fire sword from Surt, but I rarely used it. It was much easier and more my style to use my garrote. Besides, it burned my hands almost every time I tried to use it.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that everyone else was also reaching for their weapon of choice. Magnus was about to pull the rune of Frey off of his necklace, Sam's hand was behind her back, grasping the ax, and Mallory was clenching her double knives in her fists. Hearth started to grab for his pouch of runes, and Blitz just tried to look taller and more intimidating (It didn't really work). T.J. started unstrapping his bayonet and prepared to shoot at a moment's notice.

Myth Mashup (A Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, and Kane Chronicles crossover)Where stories live. Discover now