Chapter 22: Magnus' POV

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We left Hotel Valhalla shortly after T.J. departed for his mission. Sam and Alex guided us back to the door, we got through again, blah blah blah. You know the drill.

When we arrived at Camp, chaos ensued. Campers were rushing around, gathering weapons, armor, traps, and medical supplies. One kid almost bull-dozed me over because he was in such a hurry. We had to avoid multiple stray daggers, swords, spears, and arrows poking straight up from the ground, which Halfborn almost impaled his foot on.

"Magnus!" Annabeth said, spotting me from afar. "Up here!"

She was standing on top of a tall hill, with a large pine tree standing next to her. I couldn't be sure, but I thought I saw something golden hanging from it. Stranger yet, a dragon was curled around the base, snoring peacefully.

All of us hiked up the hill, meeting Annabeth on top.

"What's happening?" I asked, confused at all the preparation going on.

"We're getting ready, in case the battle comes here earlier than expected," she replied. "Everyone's out doing their part. Leo's making a whole bunch of random traps, Piper's making sure everyone has a weapon, and Percy's checking to see if the ocean is secure," she continued, pointing out to the endless expanse of water, far away from Camp.

Is there anything we can do? Hearth asked. Annabeth knew a little bit of sign language, but not a lot.

She nodded. "Magnus, you can go help Will in the infirmary. He'll need all the help he can get. As for the rest of you, just make sure everyone has armor. And maybe do that exchanging weapon thing - it really helped Percy and I."

I nodded. "You got it."

"Thanks. We really need this."

I waved goodbye, and we started back down the hill with a groan.

I had barely even started to head towards the infirmary when I stopped in my tracks. A loud rumble filled the air. Soon, I realized that it was the marching and stomping of hundreds of monsters of all shapes and sizes. Some of them looked absolutely ridiculous. I mean, donkey cyborg vampires? Where do the gods keep coming up with this stuff?

I would have laughed if I wasn't so secretly terrified. Gulping down my fear, I charged down to meet them. Campers from all over raced from all over to join the fray. Mini explosions were riddled everywhere, courtesy of the Hephaestus (plus Blitz) and Hermes cabins.

Speaking of Blitzen, he had a little surprise in store for all the baddies. Without warning, a gigantic duck sprang up from nowhere, crushing who knows how many monsters in its wake. To make things even better, Blitz had painted his special expando-duck a variety of garish, glaring colors. The palette looked suspiciously similar to the pattern of a loud Hawaiian shirt I had asked him to buy for me in a store in Boston. Blitz had refused vehemently, not even deigning to look at the "most disgusting thing I've ever seen". We were supposed to blend in as tourists, okay? Not my fault most "traveling Americans have bad taste" (quote source: Blitz on numerous occasions). Thanks a lot, Blitzen. Somehow managed to insult me while being helpful on the battlefield. A true friend.

Monsters fled from the giant duck, terrified of the bright hues that decorated it. I thought their eyes would pop out of their heads or something, honestly. I had no idea that monsters were color sensitive. I can only imagine how painful it had to be for Blitz to paint on those colors.

I found myself next to Leo, the crazy Hispanic kid (that descriptor could also refer to my girlfriend), as I pulled Jack off of my necklace. Leo had one hand outstretched, blowtorching every monster in sight. The other was holding a huge hammer. Where he got it, I had no idea.

Myth Mashup (A Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, and Kane Chronicles crossover)Where stories live. Discover now