Chapter 7: Leo's POV

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I was working furiously in Bunker 9 at Camp Half-Blood, building a new super-cool weapon that was supposed to fire arrows in different directions. Unfortunately, the weapon had other ideas. Such as exploding. At that moment, I was extremely thankful for my fire-resistance, since it ended up only tickled slightly. I sighed loudly after it erupted in flames yet again, and threw down my hammer in anger. Which might not have been my smartest move, because it proceeded to land (extremely painfully) on my foot. I cursed loudly and hopped around, willing it to stop hurting (It didn't work).

That's when Calypso walked in. She looked absolutely stunning, in loose jeans and a baggy Nirvana shirt (How she got it, I have no idea. She seems more like a "Reputation" Taylor Swift girl. The only reason I know that is because Piper will just randomly burst into song, specifically Taylor Swift). Her long, orange-ish blonde hair was hanging loosely over her shoulders, looking like gold in the lighting, as well as the small fire from my weapon that I had yet to put out. When she saw me hopping around on one foot, using very colorful language, she immediately started laughing. I smiled with my lopsided grin and tried to look cool by leaning against the wall.

Me and Calypso had realized that we just weren't fitting in at home at the Waystation, so we moved back to camp. Besides, I was obviously the best head counselor of the Hephaestus cabin ever.

"Hey, Cal!" I said, losing my balance a little bit.

She grinned and said, "What did you drop on your foot this time?"

"My hammer," I replied, a bit sheepishly.

She smiled even wider, and walked over and kissed me on the cheek. "Does that make it feel better?" I immediately went red and said, "Maybe a little."

She then punched me in the shoulder playfully and said, "Only a little? Come on, Valdez!"

"So, why'd you come down here? I mean, I know I'm amazing and all, but I wouldn't think you would come all the way over here for some small talk."

She faked being offended, and put her hand over her heart and gasped. "I'll have you know that one of my favorite pastimes is hiking, like, 3 miles in a monster infested woods to hang out with my boyfriend. Not."

I was so glad that I had found someone that I could hopefully spend the rest of my life with, who was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, (Even if she wasn't quite as attractive as I am) incredibly smart, and had a sense of humor that was just like mine. I had always been worried that I would forever be the seventh wheel, never to find a partner. It had been one of my greatest fears and doubts aboard the Argo II, but I can't believe that the Ice Queen herself had been the one to save me from that fate.

"No, really. Did you have something you needed to tell me?"

"Right. Annabeth was looking for you, Piper, and Nico. I figured you would be down here."

What does Annabeth want with the Argo II crew? I wondered.

"Where is she? I'll just put my stuff away and go."

"She's at the Big House with Chiron and Percy," Calypso said, frowning a little at Percy's name. I always forget that she had a thing for him two or three years ago. It made me a little uneasy when she was around him, but it became very clear very quickly that she was not interested. And I couldn't imagine Percy and Annabeth breaking up, let alone cheating on each other.

"Alright. I'll be up in a sec. Love you!" I said.

Calypso smiled and said, "Love you too."

It took me a few minutes to put all of my tools either back where I got them from, or stuff them into the pockets of my tool belt. I looked down at myself, and realized that I was covered in soot, and a little bit of my pant leg was singed. I guess I must have accidentally caught on fire in my frustration at some point. No one else was actually at the Bunker right now; the other Hephaestus kids mostly just worked in the forges. So, I made sure to shut off the lights, and locked the door behind me. I didn't want any random monsters busting into my precious workspace. That'd be really annoying.

Myth Mashup (A Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, and Kane Chronicles crossover)Where stories live. Discover now