While they both were discussing the weird feeling of familiarity they had towards each other, they both suddenly got a message on their communicators from a person with the name Etho, saying, "Hello?" Both of them stopped talking and looked at the communicators with confusion, unsure what this message meant. 

At the top of the chat, they could see the faces of all 14 players, their names appearing beside them. "Impulse, Bdubs, Ren, BigB, Etho, Joel, Tango, Martyn, Grian, Scar, Cleo, Pearl, Scott, Jimmy...." Jimmy's name seemed more familiar than the others, but he couldn't put his finger on why that was. All 14 names on the chat were so familiar, but Jimmy's was different, it felt more... personal, in some way. The name Jimmy reminded him of something, but he couldn't remember what it was. 

Suddenly another chat appeared, with the name Bdubs coming up on it. "Who are you guys?" was the message that was written in the chat. Pearl responded with, "Who are YOU?" "Guys, just look at the top of the chat" A message from someone named Joel. "It has our photos and names" said Joel, referring to the names and photos of all 14 players at the top of the chat. "Damn I look hot in that photo" Cleo, laughing as she typed it, sent it to the group. Scott smiled a little at her confidence when he saw the message. "Shut up I'm hotter taller and cooler" Joel replied, seemingly trying to have a fun competition with her. Cleo replied, "Oh yeah?" "Guys I can confirm Joel is actually not tall I'm standing next to him right now and he's like 2 feet tall." Jimmy's message, causing some laughs, especially from Scott, who couldn't help but smile when he saw the message. "JIMMY! You fat liar." Joel's message, coming in quick after Jimmy's, causing more laughs and some people to tell him to shut up. Cleo and Scott laughed at this. 

While Cleo and Scott put their communicators in their pockets and walked around, meeting people and trying to find their soulmates, they both knew soulmates shared pain, so they each tried punching each other but they didn't feel anything beyond the physical pain and this convinced them both that they were not soulmates. Which Scott was glad for, as he was gay. "See? I'm obviously not your soulm- Oh, that hurts." Cleo tried punching Scott's arm, the pain from the hit was the only thing she felt. "Yeah, see, obviously. We're not soulmates." She said. "Oh, that's a relief. I'm gay." he replied, and she laughed. 

While Cleo and Scott were walking around they came across two people sitting down at the bottom of a hill eating some food. The people were Bdubs and Impulse. Cleo ran straight to them and punched Impulse lightly on the arm, to which Impulse responded, "Oww." Bdubs rubbed his arm, "Are you guys soulmates?" Scott asked them. "Uh, yeah we are?" Bdubs said looking at Impulse. "That was a bit unnecessary don't you think?" Impulse complained to Cleo, "Yeah, that was kind of rude" bdubs added in, "Sorry, I'm just trying to find my soulmate. Haven't found them yet." Cleo replied, not even sounding sorry. 

"Well my names..." Scott tried to introduce himself but bdubs cut him off. "Scott and the fighter over there's Cleo. Don't ask me how I know that." Scott looked at Cleo annoyed, "Why does everyone already know my name? How is everyone else able to learn everything so quickly?" "I don't know man this place is crazy" Impulse gave a shrug. "Yeah, but how the heck is everyone already knowing each others names, including my own, before even meeting them?" Scott said frustrated. "Wait, you knew my name?" Impulse said surprised. "Uh yeah." Scott said, "I could tell from looking at you for five seconds your a watcher not a fighter, and I could tell just by looking at Cleo she was your soulmate and she was... she is your soulmate right?" "Nope we kinda just stuck together." Scott said, to which Impulse agreed, thinking that they were just trying to figure things out. "And I'm gay I don't like girls." Scott added in, "Which kinda makes me glad I didn't turn out to be your soulmate." Cleo looked at Scott with dramatic emotion, "What?! I honestly don't care who I get as long as they're not a dick to me?" It was really nice that she didn't care who her soulmate ended up being, but Scott was still very sure that he didn't want her as his soulmate. 

Flower Husbands and Desert Duo One shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant