04 : Anastasia The Helper [ Harry's Got A Stalker ]

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" Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty- "

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" Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty- "

" Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four.... Twenty four. "

Anastasia had been counting her muggle sweets in her dorm room when Fred and George joined her. Lee was in his dorm writing a letter. They counted twenty four of them, four each variation. There was also this famous muggle chocolate spread that she asked for. There's supposed to be more than twenty four but she and her friends had already eaten some of it.

" There's still a lot left. Let's eat them at the weekends. ", said Anastasia.

" I think you should halt from eating them for this week. Wasn't your teeth aching earlier until you asked for Madam Pomfrey's help? ", said George who was currently rolling around her bed, playing with her stuffed toys.

" George's right. You ate way too much chocolate earlier. ", said Fred.

" But we have magic! ", Anastasia refuted. " It'll be healed in no time! "

" Don't rely too much on magic, Ana. Our mum said that magic is not an excuse to live unhealthily. ", said George.

Anastasia wanted to argue once more but found herself cornered. Besides, if Madam Pomfrey or Snape finds out her unhealthy eating habit, she'll definitely have to say goodbye for sweets for a whole year. Madam Pomfrey's disappointed look earlier proves it.

" Wipe off that frown, it doesn't suit you. ", said Fred as he gently nudged her. " C'mon. Let's turn Lockhart's hair green. "

The twins half-dragged the blue eyed girl out of the dorm room into the common room where Lee sat on a couch still writing his letter.

" Are you coming with us, Lee? Mission Green-Haired Mr. Famous. ", asked George.

Lee shook his head regretfully. " Sorry, still not done with the letter. My mum is expecting it. ", he said.

" Don't worry about it. We'll fill you in on the details. ", said Fred before they walked out of the common rooms.

Lockhart's room was quite hard to find. The twins weren't able to follow him to his room earlier due to the prefects ordering them to go back to the common room after dinner. The three Gryffindors ended up spending about 25 minutes looking for it, but it was helpful as they found a few abandoned classrooms.

" He shouldn't be here just yet. ", Fred whispered. " The school staff hold meetings everyday at the first week of the school year after dinner for an hour and a half. We still have time. "

Anastasia and George nodded before they entered the bathroom. They looked around for anything that the Professor might be using as a hair cleanser in a daily basis.

" What is this? ", George asked, holding up a see-through bottle that contained some sort of thick green substance. He opened it and let it drop a small substance on his finger before smelling in. " Ugh- Smells like his strong scent. "

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