07 : Anastasia The Peculiar [ Got Hurt, Got Comforted, Pranked A Teacher ]

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Time passed by quite quickly

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Time passed by quite quickly. Anastasia's relationship with Draco and Pansy were a bit strained at first after her sorting but they quickly came back to normal after a few days.

She can't say the same thing for Theodore, though. For some reason, she felt as if he's distancing himself from her little by little.

As for the Gryffindor'd little trio, things are going just as she expected. Harry should be able to find the Mirror of Erised near this time. Her relationship with the three were friendly, but they can't be considered as close friends just yet. Anastasia is perfectly fine just helping them in the sidelines.

Currently, Anastasia are talking with her Slytherin friends near the Whomping Willow. Crabbe and Goyle are also with them, but their relationship with the girl can only be called acquaintances. They don't really talk much unless needed.

" Maybe we should form a study group like what we always do back then. ", Anastasia said. Honestly, it was an excuse. For one, she wanted to have time to hang out with them, and two, she's really having a hard time studying all by herself.

For some reason, the girl finds herself getting out of focus or giving up easily when studying alone which is why she always allows Draco, Pansy, and Theodore to come over to her house before Hogwarts. She can't afford to embarrass the Glasswater Family so she always invited the three to study together. And her roommates have their own worlds. They've talked for quite a few times but made it obvious that they're always busy with their lives.

Draco seemed to brighten at the idea. It was one of the few times he could show off his intelligence to his friends. " Of course! Let's do that! "

" When should we do it? ", asked Pansy.

Anastasia thought for a bit. " Hmmm... Are you all free tomorrow? "

Pansy, Draco, and his friends agreed.

" I'm not going. ", Theodore said.

The others looked at him. " Huh? But I thought you've already finished all your activities ahead of time? ", Pansy asked.

" I still need to check them over. "

" Oh... Then are you free the next day? ", asked Anastasia.

" No. "

" The day after that? "

" No. "

" N-next week? "

" No. "

Anastasia got more and more anxious as she continued to talk to Theodore. She could now clearly see that he's avoiding her! And the others could see it too, judging from their uncomfortable expressions.

" Hey, are you ignoring her? That's very childish of you, don't you think? ", Draco said, earning approval from his friends.

" I'm not avoiding her. I'm merely making all my free time useful. "

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