05 : Anastasia The Helper

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" Will he be alright? He seems to be dizzy. "

" He'll be fine now. And thank you for helping earlier, Ana. ", said George.

" Don't think of it. I also apologize for Draco's behavior earlier. I don't know what's gotten into him. ", said Anastasia. There's a frown on her face and her eyes held a mix of anger and confusion.

Fred frowned. " Why are you apologizing? It should be him who's saying that. "

Anastasia shrugged. " Don't know... I just feel like I'm responsible for him. "

" You're not. He's not your responsibility. Everything he does is what he decides to. ", said George as he gently rubbed her shoulder.

Anastasia rubbed her face with her palms and let out an exhale. She glanced at Draco, finding him staring at her and gave him a glare once more. " I'm going to talk to him. ", she said before walking away.

" Well, goodluck about that! ", George yelled.

Anastasia stomped her way to outside the Quidditch Pitch, aware of the boy following her. Finally, when they were far enough from anyone, she stopped, and so did the person behind her. She turned around and faced him. " Draco, why would you say that? "

Draco seemed unbothered by the question. " Say what? The word mudblood? "

" Yes! ", the girl exclaimed. " You knew what it meant and yet you still- "

" I don't get why you're overreacting. It's just a word. So what if Granger gets hurt by it? I bet she doesn't even know what it means. "

" Why are you saying that?! What would your mother think if she heard you saying those things?! "

Draco let out a laugh. " She won't do anything. "

" That's a lie. Mrs. Malfoy knows what's good and what's not. At this point she's thinking she raised you right. "

" And she did. She raised me like how a true pureblood should be. Something you won't get. "

Each word hit her like glass shards. Years ago, if someone told her that her friend would become a pureblood supremacist she would glare at them and curse them.

" You heard me right. You're not even a true Glasswater aren't you? I bet you're not even a pureblood. Mr. Glasswater just lent you his last name. It's not y- ", Draco's words were cut off as he felt himself pushed down the ground harshly. He grunted in pain as he landed on the ground. It took him a few seconds to process what happened, and once he did, he raised his head and glared at the girl in front of him.

" You... ", he muttered before standing up and pushing her down. It was half successful as he ended up getting dragged down along her when she grabbed his arm.

" You're disgusting! Do you even understand the words you're saying?! ", Anastasia screamed as she pushed the blonde boy off her and hit his shoulder hard.

Draco pulled her hair down, causing the right side of her face to meet contact to the ground. " Of course I understand! What I always say is truth! You're the one who won't understand! "

Anastasia held the hand that's holding her hair using her right hand and pulled Draco's hair using her free hand. " I hate you! You're just like them! You're just like them! "

Tears ran down their faces as they fought and screamed hurtful words at each other. Their clothes have turned dirty from rolling around the ground. A bruise has formed at Anastasia's right cheek and back while a bruise formed at Draco's palms and back.

They don't know how long they've been fighting like this, their wands completely ignored. It was only stopped when a few people arrived at the scene.

Anastasia gasped for air as Draco was finally pulled of her. She then felt herself getting pulled up gently. There were hands checking her arms and face.

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