06 : Anastasia The Peculiar

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The students from the Gryffindor table screamed and cheered with so much energy. The twins and their friend motioned for the girl to come over to their spot whilst yelling. It was as if they won some kind of grand international competition that happens once every 10 years.

Anastasia stood up from the chair and walked over to the Gryffindor table. The twins tapped the space between them, urging them to sit down and congratulating them as she did so.

Anastasia felt glad. The house of Gryffindor is the house that she looks up to the most. But on the other hand, Slytherin...

She turned around and looked at her friends at the other table, finding that they have been staring at her all the time. Upon noticing her, Theodore immediately looked away with a careless look while Pansy and Draco just gave her a hesitant smile. The two also looked away once their housemates began taking to them.

Her school guardians had different reactions. Snape looked very disappointed. It wasn't obvious to most people but the little girl has lived with him long enough to notice this. Professor McGonagall looked relieved. While Dumbledore, looked obviously happy. He had a bright smile on his face as he noticed the little girl.

Anastasia felt that there was something wrong with her body. Her heart ached as she looked away. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

" Thank Merlin you ended up in Gryffindor! Now we won't have to secretly sneak out of our house just to meet up with you! ", Fred said as he leaned his arm on the younger girl's shoulders.

" We should go to Hogsmeade to celebrate. ", said George.

Lee Jordan was about to agree with them until he remembered something. " She's not in 3rd year yet, you two. "

" Oh seriously. ", Fred pulled the three closer and whispered. " We can always sneak her out. ", He said with a wink.

The three laughed together at that, already starting to come up a plan on how to do that. Anastasia can only smile at that before letting out a light laugh.

Anastasia glanced around the table and coincidentally catched eyes with Harry who was doing the same. They both gave each other a smile before going back to their business.

The foods looked nice. But for some reason, Anastasia couldn't find it in herself to eat much. The aching sensation in her heart still hasn't disappeared, and it was taking up her appetite. She can only listen to the others and make small talks as time passed by.

After dinner, Percy Weasley, the twins' and Ron's older brother, led them to their house. They also encountered Peeves on their way but almost everything pretty much became a blur for Anastasia. She was aware enough to rembe the password to their dorm.

Last thing she knew, lights were off and she was on her bed, drifting off to sleep. She didn't even get to know her dorm mates.


Fred, George, and Lee were serious after all.

Anastasia woke up from her slumber as she felt something light tapping her cheeks and eyelids. As she slowly opened her eyes, she came to notice the strange thing floating in front of her.

A paper spell?

She carefully rubbed her eyes and took a better view of the thing in front of her. It was a paper butterfly. Once it noticed that the girl was now fully awake, it circled her twice before flying out of the room through the small space underneath the door.

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