13 : Anastasia The Peculiar

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Anastasia hated to admit it, but it seemed like Lexter's instructions and guides on her studies really helped her to do well in her exams. Draco and Pansy also helped a bit as they asked each other about made up questions that might appear on their exam last weekend. And now that she doesn't have the exams to worry about, she can finally have more free time.

"Thank Merlin our exams are finally done! ", said Fred.

" Did it go well for all of us? ", Lee asked.

" It went alright. I had some trouble with transfiguration though. ", George answered.

" It went well. My mind went blank for some minutes while doing potions though. I guess I got distracted. But I was able to finish it. ", said Anastasia.

The four of them were currently at the Black Lake, playing with the Giant Squid. Fred, George, and Lee were tickling one of the squid's tentacles while Anastasia just played with the water.

The Golden Trio arrived minutes after. Anastasia exchanged smiles with them before they all went back to what they were doing.

" How did this squid get in here, anyway? ", Fred asked.

" Dunno. Maybe it was out here so that it won't wander too close to the muggles. ", said Lee.

Anastasia was dozing off the more she stayed at this place. She kept hearing the calming whistles of the dolphins even though she was pretty sure there are no dolphins in the Black Lake. So she just decided to rest her head on Fred's shoulder. She'll take a nap while the three continued to paly with the squid.

But that ended up to be a bad idea, because minutes after taking a nap, she suddenly heard screams from her friends and the next thing she knew, she's underwater.

Anastasia began to flail underwater in embarrassment when the eye of the giant squid stared back at her as if judging her. She then felt herself getting pulled back up the the surface. She covered her face in embarrassment with her hands as she laid on the ground.

" Ana, are you alright? ", Lee asked.

" Are you crying? ", Fred asked.

" No! ", Anastasia exclaimed, cringing at how her voice broke. " I'm embarrassed! So stop asking questions! "

Anastasia felt like diving back into the lake to drown herself when the three laughed at what she said. She stood up and dried herself using a spell before walking away from the three, face red from embarrassment.

" H-hey! Wa- wait! ", Fred called out in between laughs.

After the embarrassing ordeal, Anastasia gave the three a silent treatment for the rest of the day. It was only at dinner time did she finally forgive them. She was getting tired of the countless sorrys and strange looks they got from others whenever the three pestered her. Though she did like their hugs whenever she attempted to walk away from them, but she won't say that out loud.

And now, they were peacefully conversing at the common room. They were the last people in the common room along with the Golden Trio.

Anastasia noticed the impatientl looks on the Golden Trio's faces and decided it's probably time for that.

" Aren't you three feeling sleepy already? We should go to sleep now. ", said Anastasia as she stood up.

The twins and Lee followed after her. Yeah, I was already dozing off. ", Lee said.

" You three can go ahead now. I'll just fix my stuffs. ", said Anastasia, gesturing at the opened sketchbook and colored pencils on the couch.

The three nodded at her words and told her good nights before they left. Now, it was just the Golden Trio and her. And Neville who was still hiding.

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