21: This Means War

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"Phantom Lord did this," Natsu growled darkly. There was a deep-seated anger burning in the fire dragon, and it made Morana question why.

"Would someone get them down?!" Morana heard citizens talk and question what was going on.

"Do you see that mark on her?"

Morana looked around and found that she didn't share the same emotions as those around her. She'd seen this type of damage before; it never bothered her. The ice dragon kept quiet as she glanced over at Erza, who had a grim look on her face. The armored wizard glanced back at Morana, or somewhat past Morana. 

"Master?" Erza stated as she looked back at their crucified guildmates. Master Makarov walked towards them as he walked with his staff. Morana was shocked upon seeing him dressed in his Ten Wizard Saint regalia. It sent a shiver down her spine as she stepped away from him. His anger scared her, but she knew it wasn't directed towards her. At least, that was what she kept telling herself. 

"I can take our headquarters being reduced to rubble, but I will not let harm come to my children without taking revenge." Makavro destroyed his staff with just a squeeze of his hand. "We have no choice but to go to war."

Morana felt the overwhelming emotions from her guildmates, and something in her seemed to understand the situation. It was foreign to her, and she didn't feel the same way but understood it.

"They hurt Levy, Jet, and Droy... What do you need me to do, Master?" Morana asked as she turned to him. Her expression never changed, but the older man knew what she was implying.

"You are to do nothing, Morana," Makarov stated firmly as he gave her a hard stare. His anger was understandable, and even though it left the ice dragon a bit unsettled, it was never directed towards her.

"Gramps! We need her!" Natsu protested as he turned to the older man. Morana was shocked by the fire dragon's outburst.

"That is enough, Natsu." Erza intervened. Natsu said nothing as he glared at them before looking back at Morana. The ice dragon still held an emotionless expression. It burned a fire in him to think that she didn't feel any anger towards what happened to their guildmates, but he kept it to himself.

"Um... I'll stay behind to look after Levy, Jet, and Droy." Lucy squeaked, a bit unsure by all the anger that was going around.

"That is a good idea, Lucy. Morana, you are to stay with her and make sure no one else brings harm to them. Do you understand?" Makarov nods his head as he looks at the ice dragon.

"Yes, Master." Morana bows before turning towards the tree. She used her ice to create a more accessible platform to get her guildmates off the tree. Lucy hurried after the ice dragon and helped her out, as did Gray, who had been silent the entire time.

"It's for the best, Natsu. We're going to war, Morana's had enough of that already." Gray said while glancing at Natsu.

Sometime later, Lucy and Morana were waiting in a medical room where their guildmates rested in the Magnolia hospital. Lucy was still distressed about the attack; the blonde was sitting by Levy's bed with a troubled expression.

"They aren't dead, Star," Morana stated. She was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"I know... it's just... it's horrible what happened to them. I just don't understand why." Lucy admits as she squeezes Levy's hand once more before standing.

"It's life."

Lucy glanced out the window with a good view of their destroyed guildhall. "Phantom Lord is heartless. How could they do this?"

"Pride... Greed, a hidden motive." Morana walked over to the blonde, not liking how upset she was. The feeling of wanting to comfort the blond wouldn't go away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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