Chapter 20: Halloween

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It's finally October and my cast has been off for awhile now and I started getting into the groove of living with the boys. Colby's fans started to like me and him being together so I didn't feel like I had to watch my every move anymore which was good. I decided I was going to go Halloween shopping today since it's October 1st and I wanted to decorate the house. I wasn't working anymore minus with YouTube which was the only form of income I had which was okay. I finally hit 2M on there which was great although the content changed slightly and involved Sam and I bonding and more of my life instead of the paranormal side it had. I would also release teasers for the boy's channel and I would also do merch videos for mine and their merch on there for every drop. But today I was filming a decorating video for my channel for decorating for Halloween and getting things ready. Sam and Colby gave me full permission to go all out without worrying about prices so I asked Kat, Devyn, and Tara to join me for the shopping experience and they were down. So I wasn't doing this alone thankfully. It was only 9am and I told the girls to meet me at 10:30 at spirit Halloween so I had to get dressed and start filming. So I quickly chose one of Colby's hoodies and a pair of black leggings with some high tops. And got my camera ready

Hey guys it's paranormal Allison today's video will be of me decorating the trap house for Halloween. I'll have Kat, Devyn, and Tara join me at Spirit Halloween when it comes closer to time soooo I hope you guys love the video and as you all know subscribe and turn on those post notifications so you never miss teasers, merch drops for me or the boys, my relationship updates, my day in my life's, behind the scenes, and sooo much more. With that being said I thought I would let you all know the boys thought it would be nice for me to post bloopers on here and other things but stay tuned for that. With that being said I'll see you downstairs with Colby and Sam since y'all love it when they make a random appearance!

I placed my hand on the lense and headed down stairs to see Colby and Sam and they instantly knew I was filming with the way I came in with a camera.
Sis when will we be safe from your videos? I don't care I'm just curious because we're at least making an appearance once or twice in these videos. Sam said laughing. Well brother you know they love you and Sammy this one will be twice maybe three times because I'm decorating the house unless you and Colby help me and the girls. I told them smiling. Babe you know I'd be down! Colby said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. Well good because we might need your muscles for some things and by the I'm taking the truck for more space. I said with a smile as I looked at what was for breakfast. We made pancakes with eggs bacon and cheese toast for breakfast if that is okay sis. Sam said with concern as I placed my camera on the counter and ran for the bathroom.
Colby followed as Sam stayed in the kitchen confused while I started knowing I was about to be sick. Once I got to the bathroom I instantly threw up into the toilet as Colby grabbed my hair and rubbed my back. Babe are you okay? He asked worried like as I finished throwing up. I don't know babe. I said. You remember when I had that issue at the one hotel and then it was fine after we got back. I continued. Yea your period was delayed and it hit not even two hours once we got home. He said. Yea hey where's my phone I need to check Flo my period tracker. I told him as he left and came back with my phone as soon as I opened Flo my heart stopped I was 2 months late. Um Colby we have a problem! I said shaking. Alli what's going on talk to me. He said as he pulled me into him as I started to break. Colby I'm two months late. I didn't even realize my period was late. And it's b-b-been t-t-two m-m-months! I cried out as he ran his fingers through my hair. Babe it'll be okay go have fun with the girls and be careful when we get done decorating I'll have a test waiting for you to take okay? He said calmly. Okay..... I said. As we walked into the kitchen. Everything okay? Sam said worried like. Yea everything is fine Sammy I just ended up running into an issue an everything was okay. But let's get to filming this little segment of the videos and then I'll take my breakfast on the go. I told him as he pulled the packed breakfast from the microwave. Alright sis whatever you say. He said with a frown.

Okay guys I am back and as you all like here's my handsome man Colby and here's my older brother Sam. And for anyone new to my Channel to cut a long story short this is what happened. Sam and I's mom and dad weren't up to raising me just yet even though they had Sam but they just weren't ready for another baby do they put me up for Adoption. I was adopted to a Carson family my new dad was Ryder and my mom was Cindy. Well when I found Sam and Colby I decided I wanted to be with my brother aka Sam. Well Cindy and Ryder got mad I don't deal with them and almost a year later. I'm dating the guy I've had a crush on since I was 12 and I have the best bond with my brother and have the best group of girlfriends I could ask for. But next guys I will see you at Spirit Halloween.

Tapped my lenses shut the video camera off and then gave Sam a hug Colby a kiss and went to the car. I'll get back boys with the decorations! I yelled We love you Alli! They yelled. I love both of you too! I screamed and zoomed off to Spirit Halloween in Sam's truck. I liked that he allowed me to drive it whenever because today it was needed. As I pulled in I seen the girls all waiting for me to show up. So I parked grabbed the camera and then got out. Hey bitch! Tara said. Hey Tara! I said back. Heyyyy Devyn and Kat! said in a yippie tone. Hey guys are we ready to film this video and then to film the decorating part too? I asked. Yess. All three went as I turned the camera on and put it on the ground to place my foot over it as me and the girls were to walk in.

Woah woah! Hey guys what are you doing down there? Well as I don't know why I thought I'd tell you we're at Spirit Halloween and y'all are joining us shopping and then if we have time we'll decorate right after and if not that part will be tomorrow! So let's get inside and get you propped and get to shopping. But while we are walking to the entrance we have Devyn, Kat my brother's girlfriend, and Taraaaaaa! They're all joining. Stas sadly couldn't join because she has a video of her own she's making but that's okay I'm not mad about that. But now that we're inside let's get you propped on here until we get a box we can place you on and get our big shopping cart made.

As we filmed the worker helped us put a siding on a flat cart so we could put the boxes on the cart and the smaller things in the baskets on the hooks. We walked around and grabbed spiders, skulls, inflatables, we also grabbed some big animatronic characters, some costumes a lot of them were couple costumes for me to film a future video with Colby. And to find our costumes. We also grabbed some party deals for the Halloween bash we wanted to have. We then grabbed some Halloween blankets, and pillows. We grabbed some cauldrons and a couple foggers. We also got some Halloween rugs and black curtains for the windows. We also got some plastic zombie hands for different places and some grave stones. We had a lot of fun buying some things we also got orange and purple lights along with some green ones for the fogging cauldrons we grabbed. Then paid and headed out.

Alright guys we were in there for about 4 hours because it's 2:45 pm now soooo we agreed we will decorate tomorrow! So that will be fun. But now to show you what we got. We got some giant inflatables. Which are a witch, zombie, and a skeleton dog. We also bought a couple of animatronic things. Which are a grim reaper, a spider, and then also a samora girl and a creepy reaper deal that jumps out at you. Then we bought some light up cauldrons and one that smokes up. We also bought some lights, foggers, costumes for a later video and some party deals. Also some pillows and blankets, rugs and mats, fake webs smaller spiders some small cauldrons for the kitchen and some other kitchen deals, and some skulls. We then also bought some zombie parts, skeleton parts and also some grave stones for the back yard and some green dye for the pool!. So until tomorrow!

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