Chapter 9: Trip to the Atchison

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I woke up the next morning to Colby's head on my chest. As I woke him up he looked up at me and smiled.
Good morning gorgeous. He said as I got up and grabbed my tights blue mini skirt and black lace crop top. And got dressed.
Good morning handsome! I said as I came back to kiss him and then grab my makeup and head back to the bathroom. I just had to cover over all the hickey on my neck but that wasn't hard then I added some eyeliner and mascara and called it good then made sure everything was in my bag as I brushed my hair and left it natural instead of straightening it. I've left it natural the last two days so it wasn't anything not normal for me. I closed my suitcase as Colby got his downstairs and came back for mine. I walked downstairs to mom finishing breakfast and Ben pulling me to the table.
Sit next to me sis. He said as I sat down Sam was on the other side of me but moved down a chair once Colby came into the dining room.
Thank you man but you didn't have to move. Colby told Sam.
Nah I rather let you sit next to your girlfriend in hopes you become my brother in law down the road. Sam said to him as we all laughed.
About five minutes later Mom and dad started bringing in everything for breakfast. They made biscuits and gravy with bacon, sausage, cheesy eggs, and toast with jam. We ate the mom pack us some extra for the road which made me happy. We then said our goodbyes to Mom and dad and then got into the car. To Atchison we go. I sat in the back of the car scrolling through my phone when I realized I out of nowhere started getting hate on Twitter.

Allison needs to stay away from Colby he's been claimed by his real fans no need for another YouTuber to fall in love with him. I know where you work I'm not afraid to come show you a what for!!!!

Colby heard me put my phone away and turned to look at me.
Babe what's wrong? he asked as I just gave him my phone.
Look the hate has already started and they know I work at the school. I told him.
What in the world some want you dead and others just want to beat you. Sam said.
Yea I might have to find another job. I said.
Nah YouTube is where you belong babygirl just stick with YouTube and also then I can spoil you more. Colby said as I smiled.
Okay I'll work with just YouTube as long as I have you. Promise me this won't end us. I asked Colby as Sam looked at him worried.
Babe I won't leave I'm done with my fans ruining my relationships me and you is a forever type of life. So no worries he said.
As we kept driving I enjoyed the view and then I would at times joined the guys in the conversation about the Sally house but other than that I was kinda quiet and also off of my phone. Then I got excited as we got to Atchison Kansas we stopped at the hotel and pulled our stuff out. Although Colby wouldn't allow me to take my suitcase up to the room he insisted he was to take it so I didn't argue I had a few calls to make anyways so I decided to make those calls. I called the apartment complex and told them I would not need the apartment but thanked them for the offer and they weren't mad. And then I called the school I worked at and told them I would not be able to return due to a threat and I didn't want to put the students and staff at risk. I would miss my 2nd graders calling me Ms. Carson but I'd be okay with just being a YouTuber and making money that way I mean I'm a millionaire anyway so no need to take a job from someone else who needs it. We got to the room and Sam was talking about how it was supposed to be raining the next couple of days so I was glad I brought some of the Xplr merch I had bought over the time so I picked one of the hoodies and put it on since I was cold.
So you're my sister and you own merch of ours. Sam asked me while smiling.
Yea. I said as I walked over to Colby and sat next to him and watched as he researched the Sally house.
I sat there for a few minutes before I dozed off on Colby's shoulder.

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