Chapter 18: Moving in

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We got to L.A. we went straight for our vehicles. Sam had Corey and Jake apparently set up a room for me while I was gone so I had a personal place for when Colby and I wanted alone time with ourselves. When I got into my vehicle I got a hold of Ryder. Sam wanted to instantly get my stuff no waiting so he had me call Cindy and Ryder.

R: What's up Allison it's  literally 9am what do you want?
A: I'm on my way to get my stuff with my brother and boyfriend did you guys pack it or do I need to?
R: We refused to pack it since you turned on us. You decided to go back to the family that wasn't there for you. So buy your own boxes and packing tape.
A: okay and I'll leave your key at the door when I leave.
R: Good and delete our numbers because we will be blocking yours.
A: okay good I guess I don't deserve two sets of parents but it's fine live on without me.
R: I'm going back to work.

That was the end before I told Sam what the plan was. Colby decided to ride with me so that he knew how I drove. Sam met us at Target where we got some huge packing boxes and some packing tape and bubble wrap. Then headed to the house. We went in and straight to my room first as Colby and Sam started packing everything.
Soooo we didn't buy any furniture because Corey wanted to know if he needed to borrow his buddy's truck and trailer for your furniture if you want to take it. Sam said.
Yea if that is okay I would like to become I bought this stuff. I told Sam as he called Corey for the truck and trailer.
He'll be here in 30 minutes. He said.
Okay gives us time to pack everything up. I said.
I went to the bathroom and grabbed all my belongings in the bathroom and took them back to my room to put them in a bag before the bag went to the box. Then I grabbed another back pack of mine and went to the kitchen and grabbed everything of mine that I bought in the counter that was labeled with my name. And took it back to my room. Then went to the closest in the hall to grab my extra blankets and sheets and pillow cases and anything else that was on my shelf and in my cubic. As Colby grabbed clothes and hangers and packed them up I stripped my bed. I remembered I packed an extra trash bag so I brought that in for the dirty laundry and took the laundry basket to the laundry room since it was not mine and grabbed what was mine in the laundry room. When Corey got there we had everything in boxes and Sam and Colby took them out. We packed my makeup from the vanity and all. We bubble wrapped my vanity mirror and all other breakables as Sam went and let Corey in. Once all the boxes were out they took my vanity, bed, dresser, and couch out of my room and that was final. We walked out and I placed the key in the mailbox. And checked the mail to see if any was mine. But I only had an Amazon package so I just put that in my car along with all the breakables. Corey, Jake, Colby and Sam put everything of mine on the trailer. And said let's go. So I followed Sam all the way to their place that was now my home.
So I just thought I would say Sam had Corey call the wall artist to paint your room. It's painted like a night sky like with stars all over. Colby said. But above your bed is painted Supernatural Allison. He continued. We also bought a new light in the shape of a moon. I thought you would like a night like room with you being into the night better than day. He finished.
Colby. I said grabbing his hand. I've got you and Sam that is all I need. I'm glad you guys did my room like that I know I'll love it but all you guys could of done was paint it any color. I told him lacing my fingers through his.
Well it matches mine. My room is a starry night too. I thought it would be cute since we're both into the night sky. It is like we're meant for each other. Which is why I also gave you this little promise ring at night. He said as he kissed my hand as we pulled in.
Katrina!! Sam said as she ran into his arms and wrapped his legs around his waist.
Ooo who's this Colby! She asked while wrapping her arms around me.
Katrina. Sam said. This is my sister Allison also Colby's now girlfriend for life until he proposes. Because he bought her a promise ring during our trip. But she's living here from now on. He continued.
Well we'll both get along pretty well I would say. Katrina told me. Let's go get something to eat while we let the boys get your things in. She finished.
Babe. Colby said.
Yes baby. I responded.
Can I arrange your room for you because I have a cute idea I would just have to order some things to get delivered. He asked.
Babe do what you want I don't care I want you to surprise me. I told him as I gave him a kiss and was dragged away from him by Kat.
Sooooo I thought I would give you a tour of the house for them! Starting off here's the foyer! And these stairs will lead to second floor where your room is and then around the corner by your room is another set of stairs leading up to the editing office and Sam and Colby's rooms. Here's the arcade and around here is our movie room, living room, and here's our favorite place the Kitchen! She showed me as we walked around the house. Also here's Tara and Devyn. Tara is Jake's woman and Devyn is just another of us trap girls. Of course you met Corey and Jake since they went and loaded your things so no need to introduce them. Oh let's go outside real quick to the back yard before I forget. She continued.
Backyard? I questioned not knowing why she wanted to show me.
Aw yes the back yard is great! Tara told me cheerfully. We always like to come out to the pool and hot tub sometimes the little hut to have good drink nights also sometimes we throw parties. She yipped.
Babe! Colby yelled causing me to dart to around.
What sweetheart? I asked.
We're done with your room I want you to come see it! He said happily. Also I thought about helping you organize your clothes since we didn't separate the closet clothes from the dresser clothes. He said with a slight smile.
Ah that's fine babe I need to jo through them anyways for the clothes I don't wear! So that helps me out! I told him happily.
Ooooo Allison if I have clothes that I don't like or wear anymore woul you like them. Kat asked.
Um sure I would same goes for you! I said.

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