Chapter 5: Staying with them

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Allison's POV
Sam, Colby and I all started filing off of the plane when I realized Colby stuck his hands on my waist. Once we were off of the plane we headed to baggage claim to grab our suitcases and as soon as I went to grab mine Colby grabbed it.
Soooo Alli once you're back to LA what will you be doing? Sam asked.
Well if I get a call about an apartment my adopted parents said they would move my stuff over while I am gone so I'd be in my new place. I replied.
You're getting your own place?!? Colby asked.
Yea it's closer to the school I work at so I thought it would be a good thing. I replied.
Well if you don't want to live alone you could come live with us at the trap house. Sam said.
Sam are you wanting me to move in so that we don't lose each other again? I asked.
Well Alli yes I do. I've been searching for you since you were 7 and your 22 now. You were taken away from me when I was 2 I deserve to see you more. He said sadly.
Sam if you don't want me living by myself I'll make the call and tell them I won't be needing an apartment. Because I rather make memories with my brother than to be worried about my safety. I told him.
Please just live with Colby and I. We have a room we can move you into and make it how you would like. We'll even help get your stuff. And we could start a YouTube channel for just me and you. Sam said.
Oooooo Supernatural Allison and Sam Golbach are siblings and have a YouTube channel called Paranormal Siblings. I can see that hitting all main headers. Colby said as he turned and looked at me.
Yea. I said while I was thinking about the end of the fight. Why didn't he kiss me when he was looking at my lips the way he was. Maybe he thought it was too quick.
So Sam will we be in a hotel while being in Kansas or what will we be doing. I asked.
Sam and I thought to stay with his parents. Because we didn't know we would be running into you earlier than intended. We told them we'd be there at about 4. It's currently 12 so do you want some lunch? Colby asked while looking at me with a grin.
Um yea Lunch would be great since I decided I only needed coffee this morning worst mistake for being mad at Cindy and Ryder. I shouldn't even call them by their names but they're not even my real mom and dad. My last name isn't Carson it's Golbach. I said as I started to cry a little bit.
Awww beautiful it's okay it's a lot to take in all at once that you were adopted out but you have Sam now. Colby reassured me.
I love You Sam.... And I'm calling the apartment complex and telling them I found another place. I want to stay with you and Colby. I said.
I love you too Alli. And good because now we can make memories all the time. He said.

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