Chapter 12: Sam's videos to Alli

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Sam's POV
Hey guys I'm going outside for a bit before we go back to the Sally house tonight. I told them we would be showing up about 7:30 so dinner I was thinking could be 6 if you guys are okay with that. I told Alli and Colby. I was happy to see Colby happy and to have my sister back.
Okay. They said as I walked out of the room. I walked to the car and grabbed my laptop and camera because I was going to make a video just for Alli to tell her how I felt. It was nothing bad at all I just thought she deserved to know I've been looking for her for years without Colby knowing and didn't realize I've known her since she started the YouTube channel a month after we did. So I walked up to the park and got the camera set and got situated on the ground. Before I hit record.

Hey Allison Renee Golbach it's me your brother Sam.....

I didn't use her adopted last name of Carson I used mine which made it easier to make the video.

I'm making this video to tell you how I feel. And this is exactly how I feel. I never thought I would find you after my parents told me at 10 years old that I had a sister a year younger than me. I looked for you for 15 years on all social medias not knowing that when you were adopted that they changed your last name to Carson.... With that being said I had been watching you since you started YouTube not knowing you were my sister I knew you had a secret YouTube channel where you would answer questions and talk about Colby and I on there. And for Colby she never said anything bad or was more of her telling her fans about how she had feelings for you and she felt like she knew me forever. Now back to about you Allison. I didn't realize my trip back to Kansas was going to be the time I met you. When you walked up behind me and said my name my heart raced not knowing that I was going to meet my sister and that Colby would meet his crush/love of his life. It scares me so much which is why I stuttered when we met was because I couldn't believe we were on the same flight going to the same place. I didn't know that my family would finally be completed and that Ben would finally understand the picture of our mom with a baby girl And a sign saying it's a girl but she wasn't home. His face when he finally met you and the light in his smile made me so happy. Seeing the way my best friend was finally able to be himself without feeling like our fans would run you away even though it goes through my mind all the time made me happy because I love seeing him happy. When you said you would move into the trap house majorly made me smile. Because then Kat, Tara, and Devyn would have another female. And Corey and Jake could stop teasing Colby for being single and hot because now Corey is the only single one. So now I'm going to end this video sis. But thank you for coming back and finding me that day at the airport. Because now you'll forever going ghost hunting with us and I'm not letting you disappear again. Welcome back Allison Renee Golbach. I love you.

I finished the video and uploaded it to the computer and headed back to the hotel room to go to lunch.

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