Chapter 18

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(Tennessee Whiskey By Chris Stapleton)

Hayden's Pov

"I officially hate planes." I spoke after we got into our rental car.

"It wasn't that bad." Dylan rolled his eyes, starting to drive down streets that I didn't recognize.

"You didn't have a toddler kicking your seat the whole time did you?" I rolled my eyes, rubbing my temples to try and soothe the headache that was forming.

"I asked you if you wanted to switch seats." He raised his eyebrow, looking towards me.

"And I was nice and took the trauma for you." I gasped dramatically, putting my hand over my forehead.

"Did you ever pick out a costume?" He asked, pulling the car into the hotel.

"Are you serious? You ask me that now?" I rolled my eyes, looking over at him with a smile.

"Listen, the party is tonight."

"Exactly! You ask me this now!" I exclaimed, laughing to myself.

"I want to be prepared!"

"Do you even know what our costume is?" I raised my eyebrow, looking over at him as we grabbed our things from the car.

"Uh... I don't know." He smiled sheepishly, before we checked into the hotel we were staying at.

"I miss Tucker." I pouted, as we got into the elevator.

"I'm sure Tucker misses you too." He wrapped his arm around me, kissing my head as we stood there.

I closed my eyes, feeling completely and utterly consumed by all of the happiness I was feeling. The elevator opened and we walked down the hall towards the hotel room.

"I'm gonna nap, can you wake me up to start getting ready in about an hour?" I asked, throwing my things on the floor and immediately laying on bed.

"Of course I can. I'm gonna shower and then get something to eat." I hummed in response, closing my eyes and letting out a deep breath.


"Is my hair sitting right?" I asked, slicking it back for the millionth time with my hands.

He hummed in response, causing me to look over to see what he was doing. His eyes rest on me, like he's never seen me before. He looked so in awe, it was like he was in a trance, just staring at me like there was no tomorrow.

I smiled to myself, looking back to face the mirror before rubbing the lipstick off of my face that I overdrew. The dark red lipstick was now on my hand, before I wiped it on a makeup wipe. My red tube top, and leather jacket. I had on a leather skirt, and big black heels.

"Why are we dressed up as teen beach movie?"
"Because we practically live on the beach." I turned to face him, looking at his outfit, making sure we matched.

He was wearing black jeans, black boots, a black leather jacket, with a red shirt. He had on a hat, he refused to not wear a hat. I stood up, brushing my outfit down, looking in the mirror once more.

"We look great." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders before I looked up at him with a smile.

"We do. Are we ready to go?" I grabbed my purse from the bed, and made sure i had everything.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Are you ready to meet all of my friends?" He asked as we walked out of the hotel room.

"I meet strangers every day, how hard could this be?"


"What's up bitch!" A dark skinned girl with black hair yelled, running up to us. A taller blonde haired boy followed behind her.

God he is extremely tall.

"I swear Selina, you're even more loud in person." I watched as Dylan rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

I looked around the bar in awe, my mouth hung open. I couldn't imagine working or living here. It was so beautiful. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them and practically jumping two feet in the air.

"Who are you?" The blonde boy said. He had a thick accent and it threw me off.

"Who are you?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him causing him to scoff.

"I'm tommyinnit, how in the world do you not know who I am." His voice was aggressive, but I could tell that he was joking.

"Sorry, it doesn't seem to ring a bell." I acted confused, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Oh my god! Hayden!" I heard a familiar voice scream, which caused me to turn around quickly.

"Roxanne!" I shouted happily before she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"You know Roxanne, but you don't know thee tommy innit!!"


I was sitting in a booth. I watched Roxanne run out of the bar, before watching a guy named Schlatt follow her out. Apparently they aren't dating or anything, but I can feel the tension between them.

"Are you sure they have nothing going on?" I asked Selina, who chuckled, turning her head to face me.

"No. But Roxanne does have a jerk of a boyfriend. I think Schlatt has the hots for her though." Selina pointed out, causing me to laugh.

"I mean who wouldn't."

The door opened back up, and they both walked in. Schlatt had his arm draped over Roxanne's waist, and they both went to the bar. Selina and I watched as they took shot after shot.

"They definitely have something going on." Selina whispered in my ear before we looked at the boys and noticed they weren't paying attention.

Next thing you know they were on the dance floor, laughing and carrying on. I looked over at Selina who laughed.


"You can still hear the music." I said as we stood outside of the bar, waiting for our uber.

It said that it was here, but now it's not.
I rested my hands on his shoulders, laying my head on his chest. The cold October air made me miss the summer. I was definitely more of a summer person.

"You know I love you." I mumbled, closing my eyes, and yawning.

"I love you too."

"Roxanne and Schlatt are definitely gonna date." I chuckled at my own words.

And god was i right.

1036 Words

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