Chapter 15

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(Hey Driver By Zach Bryan)

Boomer's Pov

"Good Afternoon, Kim!" I called out, as I walked into the tattoo shop.

"Hello Dylan!" She waved, before going back to work.

I slowly walked towards the back, not hearing any protest from Kim, and I guess I have to learn how to get more comfortable around here if I want to stick around. I watched as Hayden picked her head up and smiled as I walked in.

Today she was wearing an oversized t-shirt that covered her shorts. She was wearing green Nike airs to match her shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun, she had on bracelets and one necklace today instead of the multiple that she normally had on.

"Hey Dylan!" She stood up, picking a couple things up and throwing them away.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, grabbing her bag and slinging it across my shoulder.


"Be safe, Hayden. Remember your dad wants you to come over when you're done." Brady said, a giant smile on his face as he looked at me.

"Yeah, I know! My brother is coming into town today." She smiled, standing by my side, and stuffing her phone into her back pocket.

"You two have fun, and be safe. Call me if you need anything." The buzz could be heard from the tattoo gun as we turned to walk out of the store.

We both got into the car, and got into our respective spots, before I pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive down the street. She looked in the mirrors as I drove, causing me to silently panic.

"How have you been since yesterday? Was everything okay when you got to the store this morning?" I asked, ripping the band aid off instead of letting it just sit there. I was worried about leaving her last night, but it's what she wanted.

"I didn't sleep that great, but that's okay because Brady helped me file a police report this morning. Even if nothing happened I would rather be safe than sorry." She spoke quietly, almost as if she was scared of my reaction.

"That's a good idea!" I said, turning to face her when we stopped at a red light. She looked at me and her face lit up.

All she wants is for someone to agree with her.

"What are the plans for today?" She asked, looking around now at the buildings we were driving by.

"It's a surprise." I said, looking at the road in front of me.

I pulled into a large parking lot, hoping that she didn't recognize what was going on. She looked around, and when her eyes landed on me she smiled. We got out of the car, and walked side by side, and I knew she knew where we were going.
She interlocked her arm with mine as we neared the giant museum.

I thought she would be absolutely bored if i took her to a museum, but Kim said that she had non stop been talking about this place and how she wanted to go. She's an artist herself, so it will make her happy, even if I'm completely bored out of my mind.


"And that painting was bought by a British woman before she fell off the face of the planet. Nobody knows where she is now." Hayden walked backwards as she talked to me.

The smile on her face made everything better. Even though I was a little bored, she was having the best time ever, which was making me happy.

"She probably used the money to make herself disappear." She said, spinning around to face whatever was on the wall.

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