Chapter 17

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(Golden Hour By JVKE)

Boomer's Pov

I sat on the beach with Hayden who was running around with Tucker. Her parents, Sam and Colby all went back to the house, but we stayed extra. I stared at her in awe. She is perfect. Everything about her is perfect, even the things that people wouldn't think were important.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion as I stared at her. She stood with her feet in the water, her hair blowing in the wind, and Tucker running back and forth between the both of us.
Hayden turned around to face me and I felt my heart stop.

There was no possible way that she was my girlfriend.

She was 100% too good for me.

"Come on!" She yelled, running up to me and pulling on my arm.

"What are you doing?" I responded, following her lead.

"Wanna go swimming?" She asked, throwing her shoes from her hands to the ground.

I parted my mouth, ready to speak but no words came from my mouth. I stared at her in awe as she ran into the water, fully clothed. Something about seeing her be so carefree made me realize that meeting her was probably the best decision I have ever made in my life.

Watching her be so carefree and have so much fun in life made me realize, I think i'm in love. Something about Hayden was so refreshing, it was like a glass of cold water on a hot day. As I stood here watching her swim around while Tucker and I both stared at her, I've never felt more at home.

I stood at the water's edge with Tucker, staring off at her and seeing the perfect amount of stars behind her. The dark shade of blue because the sun just set, everything was perfect.

The sky lit up with pink, blue, red, green, and so many other colors as fireworks were set off. Tucker stared up at the sky, probably not understanding what was happening, and Hayden floated on her back, staring up. While I was staring at everything but the sky.

She started to walk out of the water, her dress clinging to her, and water falling off of her body. I chuckled before wrapping my jacket around her and picking up her shoes.

"Well that was fun." She said, a giant smile on her face as she looked up at me.

She turned her head to face the fireworks, before leaning her head on my chest still staring off.
I could live like this for the rest of my life, with no complaints or problems.

442 Words

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