Chapter 6

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(Somebody Told Me By The Killers)

Hayden's Pov

I took a deep breath as Kim gathered her things. Brady was standing at the front door with his arms crossed, waiting for her. He always walked the girls to their cars when we all left. I was staying behind though. I had a private session today.

"Be safe! Call me if you need anything." Brady said, ruffling my hair with his hand.

"Will do! You be safe too, let me know when you guys get home." Kim scrambled to the door with a wide smile.

"Goodbye Hayden!" Kim blew me a kiss before walking out of the door and to her car.

I walked over to the mini fridge, pulling a bowl of fruit salad out. I figured I could eat something while I wait since I'm going to be here for a while. I turned the music up as I scheduled appointments and ate.

I tapped away scheduling all of the new email appointments I got from yesterday. Poor Kim, I didn't feel like making her do all of this. And I do know my schedule the best. I closed my eyes before leaning back in the chair.

I finally finished scheduling and had the chance to fully take a minute to myself. And by minute, i meant it, because the door opened, causing me to perk up. I stood up from my chair with a wide smile on my face.

"Hayden!" He sang, a giant smile on his face.

"Dlo!" I sang back, crossing my arms as I faced him.

"Did you get my prints?" He asked, walking into the back like the many times he has before.

"Also Harley wants me to make her appointment while I'm here." He rolled his eyes, sitting in the chair as I walked around the room making sure I grabbed everything.

"I can do that. Where do you want the tattoo?" I asked, before he pulled off his shirt.

"Stare, I know you want to." He joked, causing me to laugh loudly.

"Listen, you're not my type."

"I wish I was." He groaned, smacking his hand on his face.

"How are you guys?" I asked, outlining the drumsticks that he wanted down his back.

"We're alright. Harley is struggling, but she's getting there. With the tour starting and everything it's really stressful." He rambled on as I continued to draw on his back.

"Has she heard from Nick?" I asked, looking at the final outline and taking a picture.

"Nope. Still nothing. She's been stalking his instagram a lot more though. That looks perfect, by the way." He spoke as I showed him the picture.

"Do you want a color or just stick to black?" I asked, pulling out my set of colors.

"Just black please." He smushed his face back into the chair and let out a sigh.

"Now how are you? Any women in your life?"
"Just you babe."

I laughed, before I grabbed the tattoo gun and dipped it in the ink. I grabbed a paper towel with ym free hand before pressing the pedal. The buzzing vibrated my hand, bringing me more peace in the thing I love to do.

"No but in all seriousness, how are things going with you?" He asked as I slowly started to tattoo his back.

"They are good. Been here almost every day. Tucker is getting so big." I chuckled, staring at the skin that I was tattooing.

"Any men in your life?"

"There was this guy yesterday. I don't know, something felt different when I was tattooing him. I talked to him the whole time and I learned a lot about him. He was pretty cool."

"Sounds like someone is in love." He laughed, taunting me with his words.

"No way! I just met him yesterday."

"Love at first sight does exist, Hayden."

"Whatever Dlo, sit still."

648 Words

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