Chapter 16

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(Sun To Me By Zach Bryan)

Hayden's Pov

"Do you have everything? A hat maybe?" I asked as I sat in the front seat of my car outside of Dylan's house.

"Don't worry, it's in my bag. I haven't put it on yet." He said as he got into the car.

I rolled the windows down, it was an extremely nice day. The wind in my hair, the heat of newfound July. I loved every second of the summer.

"Your mom isn't going to kill me right?" He asked, putting his hat on as I drove down the street towards my parents house.

"No. No she's not." I chuckled, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Your family are nice people." He said softly, causing me to smile.

All I ever wanted was for my family to get along with someone I liked. It was hard to get Colby to open up to someone dating me, as it was for both of my parents. The only person that was open to meeting new people was Tucker.

"Tucker, sit down." I said, looking in the mirror as he jumped around excitedly.

I pulled into the driveway of my parents house, and Tucker practically jumped out of the window as we both got out. I opened the door, and he started to run around the property with excitement.

"Tucker!" Colby screamed, leaning down to play with him as I grabbed my bags for the day.

Some snacks, and extra clothes instead of just wearing my bathing suit with shorts over it all day. All of my tattoos were on full display, which I didn't care, but I certainly felt the eyes on me.

"Hayden, get your stuff together! We're about to start walking to the docs!" My mom screamed, causing me to shake my head with a smile as I looked at everything I had. Dylan had his bag over his shoulder, and grabbed mine.

"Ready Tucker? We're going to the lake!" I said, causing him to stop in his tracks and start running towards the sidewalk that led to the doc.

I followed him slowly, Dylan walking beside me as I went. Sam and Colby were behind us a little bit, walking and talking. My parents were behind them, just soaking up the sun as always.


"Are you ready?" I said, pulling my hair back as I sat on the jet ski.

"You're actually insane." Dylan said, leaning over the boat to look at me.

My mom held Tucker back so he didn't jump on with me. I shrugged before watching Colby pull away from the boat. I followed behind him, laughing as he drove around me trying to knock me off or soak me in water.


"Ready?" I looked down at Tucker, before pushing Dylan in the lake off of the boat.

I laughed loudly before jumping into the water, Tucker shortly behind me, swimming around us. When I came up from the water, I laughed loudly at the look on Dylan's face. He shook his head and smiled at me before splashing me with water.

"Asshole!" He screamed, causing me to laugh loudly.

I wrapped my legs around his back causing him to hold both of us up. Tucker swam around us, playing with one of his balls that was floating in the water.


"Come on!" I grabbed his hand, pulling him with me as I ran down the beach. The fire illuminated the darkness.

Tucker ran next to us as I laughed loudly. The white flowy short dress I was wearing felt perfect on me. I had my flip flops in my hands, the wind blew through my hair, and it felt like something out of a movie.

"Hayden." We stopped running and started to walk.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him.

The light shined onto his skin. The sound of my family laughing. Everything felt perfect.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, seeing the look on his face as he stared down at me.

Confusion. Uncertainty.

"I've been thinking a lot-" He cut himself off as Tucker ran up.

"We've been going out a lot, and I really like you. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

"Your asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked in disbelief.


"Of course I will."

720 Words

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