Chapter 4

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(Angel By Shaggy And Rayvon)

Hayden's Pov

"So your appointment is in 2 days, write your number down here, and I will send you a confirmation text." I slid a clipboard around to face him and handed him a pen.

"What time?" He asked, jotting his number down on the paper.

"Around 3. On Wednesdays we close around 5. Is that time and date okay with you?" I asked before he nodded his head and looked around the empty shop.

We were the only people in here. Brady and Kim left. He looked down at my arm before looking back up. I ran the papers through the printer, printing him out a copy. I put the copy on the desk in front of him, before he picked it up. I printed out a receipt and slid it across the table to him.

"Here is your receipt, and I will see you Wednesday." I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

He paused for a second, before turning around quickly and leaving the building. I chuckled to myself before heading to the door and locking it. I looked around at the shop, walking over to the speak system, plugging my phone in, and starting to play music.

I grabbed the broom from the corner, starting to clean the building up. The music blared through the speakers, making me happy. I loved staying here late to clean up because I was able to blast music.

After his nerves went away while getting the tattoo he didn't talk a lot. I loved the questions he was asking, I don't know why. It made me feel seen. Nobody asked me that many questions before besides family that I would see around the holidays.

I loved every second talking to him, and I had no clue and understanding why. He was just another stranger that I was never going to see again after he got his tattoo unless he wanted more.

I leaned the broom against the wall, and untied my hair. The braid caused curls to form, as I brushed it back. I let out a deep breath, finally getting rid of the tension that was building because of how tight I had my hair.

The work computer started going off like crazy with notifications causing me to rush over. I sat down at the small desk opening the emails to see what was going on.

From: Nicholas Armstrong
Hey! I saw my friend's tattoo that Hayden did, and I would love to book an appointment to get one! How does June 10th at 3pm work? Let me know!

From: Roxanne Hayes
I love Hayden's work, please book me the next available appointment and I will get on a plane and be there within an instant. Respond to this message whenever to let me know the next availability.

From: Julianna Griffyn
I would like to schedule an appointment with Hayden! I've been looking for someone to finish my butterfly sleeve and I absolutely love her work! Let me know what time works best for you. My boyfriend would also like to get his first tattoo done by her, so if there is a way you can book him on the same day that would be perfect!

I looked up from the desk in confusion. How did this happen? So many people are asking for appointments in one night, and not only that but they are asking for me to do their tattoos. I looked at my schedule, and let out a huff.
I'm leaving this for Kim to do.

I closed out of the emails, pushing away from the desk and standing up. I smiled to myself as I walked around the shop cleaning things. When I was done, I put on my zip up hoodie, leaving it unzipped because I knew I was still somewhat hot outside. I looked at the clock, seeing it light up.


I unlocked the door, walking out of the shop before closing the door and locking it from the outside with my keys. Normally we would stay open till midnight, but with my dad being gone I was closing early. He normally does the late night appointments, there are only two people i have late night appointments with and one of them is coming tomorrow, so there is no point to stay awake so late for nothing.

I unlocked my car, quickly sliding into the driver's seat and locking the doors quickly after. I put my bag on the passenger's seat, started my car and started driving. I rolled the windows down a little, and opened the sunroof.

People make fun of me for my car because it's apparently a "mom" car, but I love it. My RAV4 was the first car I ever bought with my own money, and it's my favorite. I love the sunroof, I love rolling the windows down and speeding down streets to get home. This car made me feel at home without being home.

I pulled into the driveway of my small house. It was a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. It was all I needed. I had the guest room for when my brother visited, and I had everything a person could possibly need in my kitchen. I love food shopping, that's where all of my money normally goes.

I turned my car off, grabbing all of my stuff from the passenger's seat, and making my way up to my house. People had American flags lining their lawn because of how quickly approaching the Fourth Of July was. My lawn was included.

"Tucker?" I called out when I walked in the house.

I put my things on the counter, walking through my house. The loud steps could be heard running across the wood floor from my Boxer, Tucker. He was the best dog and best friend that any girl could ask for.

"Let's take you out." I said, opening the door to the backyard.

He ran outside, running around in circles getting all of his energy out. I left the door open, magnetic screen so he could run in and out if he wanted to. I stood in the kitchen watching him run around before grabbing a frozen pizza and putting it in the oven.

I grabbed Tucker's bowl, filling them both up. He eats twice a day, and sometimes on my break I will come home and feed him. Some nights I don't have the time, but I know it doesn't affect him. He ran inside, grabbing a small tennis ball and quickly ran outside.

My brother got Tucker for me when I bought my first house. I think he was the best present that i ever got. He ran inside, sitting in front of me before running to the living room where the rest of his toys were. I closed the door and locked it.

The oven beeped, causing Tucker to run in and start barking at the oven. I tried getting in front of him to open it but he kept barking. I chuckled, shaking my head, finally opening the oven.

"If you sit, I'll give you some." I said, looking at him. He tilted his head at me, sticking his tongue out, and panting. He sat down, causing me to laugh.

There is no life that I would rather have than this one. I'm beyond lucky with the life I got, and I will never take advantage of that, because I know what it's like to also have nothing at all.

1258 Words

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