Chapter 5

109 4 19

(Cleopatra By The Lumineers)

Boomer's Pov

I closed my eyes before quickly opening them again. She was standing in the tattoo shop cleaning. I looked down at the outline of the rose tattoo that she did, and stared at it in awe. I quickly opened the groupchat of all of my friends, snapping a picture and sending it.

They all started to freak out about how good it was, causing me to smile. I sent them the name of the tattoo shop, and her name. I watched as she stopped sweeping the floor and walked around to the desk.

A giant smile formed on her face causing my heart to melt. I turned the key in the ignition, putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the parking lot. My phone started ringing, the name popping up on the small screen on my dashboard.

"Selina, I'm driving." I rolled my eyes as she laughed.

"I don't care! Your tattoo looks good! How was it?" She asked, rambling away as I hit my blinker, turning down the streets on my way home.
"It was good. It hurt, but I got used to it." I winced thinking of the first few minutes of torture.

"So Layne wasn't there to do yours?" Selina asked, I heard typing which I knew was from her PC keyboard.

"No, his daughter did my tattoo. She did amazing. I think I'm going to stick with going to her. She talked to me the whole time too, so I wasn't focused on my nerves."

"That's actually so cute! Was she pretty?" Selina questioned, and I knew there was a smile on her face.

"She was beautiful." I breathed out, trying to not close my eyes and picture her face.

"What's her name?" Selina asked, and I narrowed my eyes.


There was silence, and then the silence was filled with her keyboard clicks. I bit the inside of my cheek, not knowing what she was doing.

Though I had a pretty good idea.

"I found her Instagram-" Selina spoke before cutting herself off with a gasp.

"Holy shit! She's like a model."

"I know right!" I screamed in agreement.

"So are you going to get it colored how you wanted it?" I hummed in response, pulling into my driveway and stopping my car. I disconnected my phone from the car, holding it to my ear as I got him.

"Yeah, I'll go back Wednesday." I unlocked the door to my house, pushing it open and closing it behind me.

"Do you wanna stream?" I asked quickly after, hearing the squeal of excitement.

"Yeah! Hopping in a call right now! Join when you're ready! I'll get punz to play with us, he's home today." The phone hung up causing me to laugh.

I walked through my house, throwing everything in its respective spot before walking to my room. I sat down in my gaming chair, spinning to face my PC. I started it, scrolling on my phone as I waited for it to load.

I stared at my tattoo once I got bored. I felt my heart melt as I started at it. It was perfect. Her drawing was magnetic. I couldn't stop staring at it. It was as beautiful as she was. I didn't understand how one person could have such talent.

I joined the VC, hearing the SharePlay of Punz's music. I closed my eyes, hearing the music, and just let it all sink in. I felt like I was drowning, but in happiness.

Maybe getting a tattoo was the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm so glad I made myself suffer through. I've got a tattoo that I couldn't even imagine would look this good, and I had an amazingly beautiful girl do it.

"What's up!" Selina screamed, causing me to smile.

"Hey! What are we playing?" I asked, clicking around on my discord and looking at the millions of texts.

"You know me on that Valorent grind!" Punz laughed, causing me to hum.

"Well then let's get going!"

There was no way I was going to stop staring at this tattoo or stop thinking about the girl I met today.

700 Words

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