Chapter 11

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(Flowers In Your Hair By The Lumineers)

Boomer's Pov

I stared at the tattoo parlor. The sun was setting, and people were walking in and out of the small shop. I bit the inside of my cheek before opening my car door and finally taking a step out. I opened the door to the building, letting it close behind me as I smiled at Kim who was sitting at the front desk like always.

"Hello Dylan! What do we owe the pleasure of having you here. I don't see your name in the books!" Kim said, flipping through pages of a notebook with a wide smile on her face.

"Hayden and I are going out to dinner, and don't worry, I'll bring her back here when we are done."

"You'll actually be taking me home today if that isn't a problem!" She came around the corner, a giant smile on her face as her wrangler bag hung down from her arm.

She had on a pair of ripped jean shorts, a flowy blue tanktop, and some nikes to match. Her hair was down, in big curls, and she had light makeup on. I stared at her as she walked over to me, interlocking our arms.

"Of course that's okay." I said, looking down at her as she smiled up at me.

"Well then we are off. Bye Kim!" Hayden spoke happily before i heard footsteps.

"Be careful with me daughter." A tall guy, with big muscles, walked around the corner. The tattoos ran down his arms, all the way to his hands. He looked absolutely intimidating.

"Of course, Mr. Brock." I spoke quickly before noticing the wide smile on Hayden and Kim's face.

He was trying to intimidate me.

"Have fun, kids!" Brady yelled, waving to me before going back to tattooing a girl who was sitting in the chair.

"Text me if you need anything, I love you." Her dad kissed her head before turning on his heel and walking towards the back.

"He's actually a big softie, don't let him scare you too much." Hayden said as we walked out of the tattoo parlor.

"He's scary, Hayden." I responded, before dropping her arm and opening the door to my car for her. She got in before I closed it and walked around to the other side and got into the driver's seat.

"I'm in a lumineers mood today, i hope that's okay." She said, taking my phone from the cupholder and starting to scroll through my spotify before putting on the lumineers.

"Anything you want is okay." I said before starting the car and reversing out of the lot that I seemed to be in so much anymore.

I felt her eyes on me as I drove, causing me to feel the goosebumps slowly rise on my arm.

"Your tattoo is coming out really nice. I want to shade it another time if you'll be okay with that?" She rambled, as I felt her hands run across my forearm where the tattoo was.

"Yeah, just let me know when." I responded, before she pulled her hand off of my arm, causing me to miss the sudden feeling of her touch.

She rolled the window down, before I rolled mine down. She ran her finger through the humid air of the middle of June. I looked over at her as she held a giant smile on her face as she bopped her head to the music.

"So now I think that I could love you back. And I hope it's not too late. 'Cause you're so attractive!" She looked over at me, singing as her hair blew around, and her eyes sparkled like they never have before.

"And the way you move, I won't close my eyes. 'Cause it takes a man to live, It takes a woman to make him compromise." I sang, finishing the lyrics as she smiled widely. I felt her hand wrap around mine causing me to look away quickly because I knew my face was beat red.

I pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant that was right next to the beach. I watched as Hayden stared out at the beach, admiring the view as we sat there in my car before getting out. Once we got out, she took a second, basking in the sun that was slowly going down, and the ocean breeze.

I stared at her as the sun hit her, causing her skin to glow and sparkle. I swear I've never seen someone this beautiful. Someone this free. She looks like she's been lit from within. There is no denying that Hayden has some sort of spark that will never go out. Her personality is like magic.

"You ready?" She asked me, and I nodded quickly before grabbing her hand and starting to walk towards the restaurant.


"And then-" She laughed loudly as we walked out of the restaurant.

"And then she threw a fit because she got mad that my dad wouldn't do her tattoo!" She laughed loudly once more as we stood in front of my car.

I smiled at her, feeling so many emotions at once. I never realized how many emotions that one person could possibly feel until I met Hayden Brock. She brought so many foreign emotions out of me, I felt like a whole brand new person.

"I'm glad I met you. I've been having an amazing time talking to you and going on dates with you." I said, opening her car door for her once more.

"I've been having an amazing time with you too, Dylan. I feel like I've known you forever." She smiled, looking up at me.

I wanted to kiss her, and she looked down at my lips, but I shook the thought out of my mind because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable by doing that too soon. She got into the car, a smile still on her face before I closed the door and got in the driver's seat once more. I started driving and she put on whatever music she was in the mood for.

I stared at my GPS that was leading me toward her house. The houses grew in size as I got closer and closer to her house. I pulled in her driveway, seeing her little RAV4 sitting in the driveway. I got out of the car and met her around the front, causing her to look at me with a confused expression.

But if I was going to do this, I was going to do this right.

"Thank you for today, I had an amazing time." She spoke after she unlocked her door and opened it.

I stared down at her, a smile forming on my face as I stared at her. Part of me wanted to count the freckles on her face, but I knew that there were too many. The sound of paws hitting the floor took me out of the trance i was in from her beauty, causing me to look down at the boxer that ran circles around me.

"Tucker! Get inside!" Hayden spoke loudly, smiling as I leaned down to pet the dog.

"You never told me that you had a dog!" I exclaimed as Tucker sat in front of me, letting me pet him.

"Hey Dylan! This is Tucker, my dog! Tucker, this is Dylan! Now you know that I have a dog." She joked, patting his head, before he trotted inside like he owned the place.

"Well we will definitely have to go out again and bring Tucker." I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I'll have to take you up on that offer." She smiled, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Goodnight Dylan." She said, wrapping her arms around me unexpectedly.

"Goodnight Hayden." I said, wrapping my arms around her and sinking into the embrace.

When she pulled away, I made sure she locked the door and went inside. When I got into my car, I smiled widely, feeling so overcome by the feeling of happiness and euphoria.

1353 Words

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