Chapter 12

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(Revival By Zach Bryan)

Hayden's Pov

I heard the click of heels walk through the building, which brought my attention to the tall girl who was standing there. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair fell in perfect curls, framing her face, her dark red lips, and her dark red dress that she had on with a pair of black heels. Her bag was black to match her heels, and she looked beyond powerful.

I stood up, looking over at my schedule and smiled.

"Roxanne?" I said, looking at the girl with a smile before she nodded and a smile fell onto her face.

"That would be me. You must be Hayden." She spoke, walking over to me.

"Have a seat." I said, bringing her towards my workspace.

She sat down excitedly, looking around the room. Her eyes fell onto my dad, and Brady who were getting ready to leave. She smiled softly before her eyes drew back to me. I was getting my set up ready, causing me to not pay that much attention to my surroundings.

"Do you like working with your dad?" She asked, causing my attention to draw back to her.

"I do, but sometimes he gets on my nerves." I chuckled, sitting down in my chair and rolling towards her.

"I can hear you!" My dad yelled from across the room causing me to laugh loudly.

"It's like I never moved out." I said, making sure I had everything near me so I just had to print a stencil if I even needed one.

I took a second to breathe, before putting on my rubber gloves and turning to face Roxanne who sat there staring at me in awe. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment from the attention that I had drawn to myself.

"What are we doing for you today?" I asked, looking at my sketch book that sat on my little desk.

"So, I had someone do this tattoo on my arm and I hate it, so I would love to see if we could fix it up a little bit and make me love it. And then I want stars down the middle of my chest." She showed me where she wanted the new tattoo then showed me the tattoo on her shoulder.

"This is terrible. No offense." I winced, staring at the tattoo on her shoulder. It was literally a tattoo of a heart, there was nothing special about it, and the lines were really terrible.

"Who the hell did this? They should even be a tattoo artist."

"It was a drunken mistake at a little corner shack tattoo shop. Never again. I'll be coming here from now on." She let out a sigh, looking over her shoulder at the tattoo and I could see the hatred in her eyes.

"Well, lucky for you, I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at fixing things." I grabbed my purple marker, turning towards her and sitting up.

"I'm going to start on your stars, and then I'll draw out how I'm going to fix your arm." She nodded, and luckily she wore a low cut dress, so I could easily work without her having to take anything off and make her uncomfortable.

"You can put on whatever music you want to listen to. Everyone else is leaving so it will just be us." I chuckled, handing her my phone before getting back to work.


"Thank you so much. You are amazing." She breathed out as she looked at herself in the mirror. I smiled as she stared at the two tattoos.

The heart on her arm now had straight lines, and flowers wrapping around it. The stars on her chest looked amazing, and I actually love them so much.

She was extremely happy with the way everything turned out, and I was so glad. I was happy that I could give her a piece of hope when it came to getting tattoos. She stared at herself in such adoration, which made me extremely happy. I was so glad to give her a piece of herself back.

"Would you like to go out tonight?" Roxanne asked, catching me off guard causing me to look at her confused.

"Oh not as a date! But maybe to the bar and have a couple drinks! Or we could get food, you're extremely cool, and I would love to be friends." I looked at the clock and smiled.

"Sure! Do you need a ride?" I asked, turning to face her after I locked the door.

"I was gonna uber, i don't live around here, but if you're offering i will take it!" She chuckled, headed towards my car after I unlocked it.

I got into the driver's seat, and started the car. I turned the radio up and started to head in the direction of the nearest bar/restaurant. Roxanne was funny, and she was ultimately someone I would love to be friends with, so me going out with her made me have a perfect opportunity to find out if we would really click.

"I hope you're ready to party..."


I closed my eyes as I smiled. Roxanne spun me around causing us both to laugh. I wasn't drunk, and I wasn't drinking, but she somehow still made me have an amazing time hanging out with her even though I was sober.

"Oh my god! We should definitely hang out again!" I exclaimed as Roxanne wrapped her arm around mine, interlocking them as we started to walk towards our chairs at the bar.

"We should! You are so much fun to be around." She laughed, looking down at her phone and her smile faltering a bit.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, pulling out my own phone and checking to see if I had any messages from anyone.

"Yeah. Just my boyfriend. I don't know, something has been off about him recently." She spoke, turning her phone off and looking towards the door.

"My uber is here." She said, standing up as she got the notification on her phone.

"Let me walk you out." I grabbed all of my things and left the bar with her.

We smiled, we laughed, and we had an amazing time. I gave her my phone number before she got into her uber, making sure she was safe. She promised she would text me when she got to the place she was staying, and I promised that we would keep in contact, and I sure as hell hoped we would.

When I watched the uber drive away, I got into my own car, locking the doors behind me, and setting off on my journey to my house. Dylan had texted me here and there, and I had texted him back. We were planning the next time we were going to hangout. I couldn't wait to see him again, it was like a newfound emotion. I felt like a little girl in middle school who's crush just asked her out for the first time.

There was so much excitement and I was living for it.

1185 Words

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