The Godstone book 1: The escape to Alvheim chapter 15

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Delar were completely silent with shock. And when he had gathered his thoughts a bit, he said seriously: «Those were harsh words. How do you know this is true?»

«I have seen the injuries on Miri. She has marks on both her face and arms,» Tharal said.

Delar thought for a moment. Initially, he had been very skeptical of Tharal's romantic relationship with Miri, but he knew his brother very well, and he knew that when Tharal had made up his mind, and that he would not change his mind.

Delar did not want their friendship to end because of a woman, so he decided to be understanding.

«You must be very careful, brother. I understand how you feel, but you must think carefully before you do anything. Gorm is known to be a harsh man. He has no feelings for others. If you fail to get him convicted, he will unleash his wrath on his innocent victim, who in this case is your beloved. Therefore, I advise you to wait until you have solid evidence of his guilt and witnesses. Then you can bring him to justice, and according to Alvheim's laws, you can demand a duel of honor.»

Tharal stared at his brother.
«You have never liked my feelings for Miri. Why are you doing this now?»

«Just because I have been skeptical of your romantic relationship in the beginning doesn't mean I don't have feelings,» Delar said. «And besides, even though we are not of the same blood, we are brothers, Tharal. We have grown up together, and ever since we were children, we have shared everything, thoughts and feelings. I want us to continue to be that way. So, I've thought about it. I don't want a case like this with Gorm to ruin the friendship we've always had. I'd much rather have you as a friend than an enemy.»

Tharal was silent for a long time. He thought about what his brother had said, and he felt deep down in his heart that he was quite relieved that parts had changed his mind.

Delar looked at his brother. «You're serious about Miri, aren't you?»
«I think about her every second,» Tharal replied softly and earnestly. «Both day and night. She is my whole life.»

«And does she feel the same way about you?» Delar asked.
«Yes. It's the first time in my life that I've loved someone. I had no idea love could be so strong...»

It cut like knives in Tharal's chest. His own beloved whom he had wanted to give everything to, but whom he could not get because of her brutal brother.

Delar put a hand on Tharal's shoulder.
«I understand,» he muttered softly, and quietly to himself he added, «More than you know.»

Tharal felt he could confide in parts. He had never had anyone to talk to about this.

«You have no idea the suffering Miri and her mother endure. They are both terrorized by Gorm. If he doesn't get his way, he beats them. You're asking me to wait. But what if I can't wait that long? What if I give in to my anger and kill him before it comes to that?»

Delar stared at him.
«That would be very unwise, both for you and for Miri. Trust me. Then yourself will be convicted of murder. And is that the right way to help the one you love? No, my dear brother. The best way is probably to follow the path of the laws.»

«Hah! From what I've heard, Gorm is as slippery and cunning as a snake,» Tharal replied gloomily.

Delar stood up.
«Then let it be his problem. What you must beware of is becoming like him. The king needs good men in his service.»

The sun was shining, and it glittered like a precious jewel through the green leaves of the trees. The whole group was getting ready to continue their journey to Calian, the city of the forest elves.

As they walked through the wonderful elven forest, they suddenly heard a scream, and a young human woman came running out of the dense undergrowth. Her clothes were torn by thorns, and she was terrified. She stumbled and fell gasping to the ground. A gang of five men in ragged fur clothes came rushing after her. All the elves drew their swords.

«Outlaws! Thieves!» shouted Delois. Delar and Tharal stood protectively in front of the woman.

«Stop,» commanded Delar to the newcomers. The leader of the outlaws just laughed. And with a mouth full of brown half-rotten teeth, he bellowed, «Get them, boys! Show no mercy!»

The outlaws surged forward, and both Delar and Tharal let their swords flash through the air.
«You fool!» shouted Delar. «Don't you see who we are? We are the high king's men!»

He stood face to face with the leader. The black-bearded man made a thrust with his sword. The elven prince jumped aside. He made a series of quick strikes and managed to push the outlaw away.

«Why are you chasing this poor woman?» Delar shouted angrily. «Have you no shame?»

«We outlaws know no other law than our own desire,» replied the robber leader. «Mind your own business, elf, and let us attend to ours.»

«No way!» Delar snarled. The outlaw grimaced, and with a furious outburst, he lunged at the elf.

There was a whistling sound as Delar whirled around. The sharp steel flashed here and there. All his strikes were perfect, and the opponent had his hands full trying to parry. But the outlaw was not a man to give up voluntarily.

Anger flared up in him, and he was determined to fight to the death. He aimed a thrust at Delar's stomach, and the elf parried with an upward movement that brought them close together with their shining blades locked together a hand's breadth from each other's throats.

The robber grinned. «Now you're mine.»

« Don't be so sure about that,» Delar replied, and with a lightning-fast movement, he used his magical power to break free.

Before the robber could sense himself, Delar had taken off, and with a high leap, he flew over the man's head. He landed softly on the ground behind his back, and before the outlaw could turn around, Delar gave him a powerful kick in the back.

The man stumbled forward, and at the same time, he was impaled by the knife of one of his own men who came running towards them. He had intended to help the leader, but instead, he was responsible for his death.
When the other outlaws realized that their leader was dead, they fled.

Delar walked over to the young woman who was still lying on the ground. He help her up.

Tharal and the others came over to them. Delois stared at the young woman in surprise.

«Lora!» he exclaimed. «What are you doing here, so far from Calian? Don't you know it's dangerous to wander in the forest, especially for a lone woman? There are both outlaws and wild animals here.»

«Do you know her?» Delar asked seriously.
«I do. She's one of my sister's chambermaids.»

Trembling, Lora told them that she had been informed that her mother had fallen ill. She lived alone in a small village south of Calian. Lora had just been on her way there when she was attacked by the outlaws.

«How far is it to the village?» Delar asked. «Perhaps we should accompany her there. It's not safe to know if there are more robbers.»
Dalois thought for a moment and then nodded.

«I agree. After all, we're heading in the same direction.»

Lora was happy and relieved when she heard that the noble elves would accompany her to her people's village.

The Godstone 1: The escape to AlvheimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon