The Godstone book 1: Prehistory part 1

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The Legend of the gods.

In the kingdom of Bath.

The winter winds blew fiercely, but inside the castle where the druids were gathered, it was warm and cozy. Men, women, and children sat silently, gazing at the crackling, dancing flames in the fireplace.

A heavy silence hung over them all. For many years, Vanaheim (the world) had been threatened by bloody wars. In every land, warlords fought ruthlessly in their battles for more land and wealth.

The ruler of the castle, rose from her chair and approached the fireplace. She added a new piece of wood to the flames.

Her name was Heidren. She was the most skilled magician and oracle among the druids.

According to the druids' belief, all magic came from the gods, and the druids had been the disciples of the gods and the link between the children of Vanaheim and the gods since the beginning of time.

Heidren was very old, but despite being older than most people in Vanaheim, her appearance was as young as that of a woman in her thirties.

There were rumors that Heidren must be of elven descent, or that she had used magic to stay young. What was true, no one knew. But one thing was certain. Because of her long life, Heidren had become a living legend among the people of Vanaheim.

Everyone in the hall fell silent as Heidren began to tell the oldest story of Vanaheim:

Listen, my people, hear the story of how Vanaheim was created.

In the beginning, the world consisted only of light (Quetil) and darkness (Muspellheim).

Frome the light the gods were born, and their names were:

Bryhinzeel, Danu, Selemon, Mitas, and Embla.

Then the gods created time, and the world began. The sun, moon, and stars came into being.

But then came Marlok, the son of darkness. He hated what the gods of light had created, and full of rage and envy, Marlok transformed into a terrible demon.

Marlok was about to swallow the sun, moon, and stars, but the gods of light stopped him.

Marlok was driven back to the darkness from whence he came.

The gods completed the creation, and in their work, they were aided by their faithful servants, the djinns.

The djinns were powerful spirits of the same order as the gods, and they were of great use and joy to their lords and ladies in their work.

United in friendship, and after a long time and much work, Vanaheim (the earth realm) was finally ready, and all the gods and their people took residence in it, each forming their own realms in the places they liked best.

Bryhinzeel became the master of all seas. And there at the deepest bottom, he created his residence. A lavish palace. And from there, Bryhinzeel ruled all seas strictly and justly. And by his power, all animals and creatures living in water were created.

Danu, Bryhinzeel's twin sister, was the mistress of all lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds.

Selemon was the mistress of the air. Her power was everywhere in all the realms of the air, and she ruled the winds, from storms to the gentlest breeze.

From Selemon's breath, clouds and all the birds of the sky were born.

Selemon's palace was at the top of Vanaheim's (the Earth's) highest mountain, and when Selemon sat on her throne, she could see the whole world from north and south, east and west.

While Mitas and Embla had power over the earth and vegetation. By their power, all the forest animals, dwarves, elves, and humans were born.

But the gods of light did not trust Marlok. They knew that the evil god of darkness would try again.

So, to protect the creation from Marlok, the gods of light created a magical shield around all of Vanaheim.

But the good gods were mistaken in thinking that the magical shield was enough to stop Marlok.

Just as the gods of light were the source of all that is good, Marlok was the source of all evil.

Marlok had knowledge of magic, and with his cunning, Marlok found a way to open a secret gate in the shield.

The gate was too weak for Marlok to pass through himself, but that didn't stop him. Marlok sent his power, and it was strong enough to get past the the good gods trap.

Marlok triumphed. As part of his evil plan, he used his power to create Nexus, a magical source filled with water from the darkness.

In this way, Marlok managed to spread desire, hunger, disease, pain, death, and evil in Vanaheim.

Among the animals and birds, some were transformed into carnivores. But it was the dwarves, elves, and humans who suffered the most from Marlok's evil antics.

Under the prolonged influence of the poisonous vapor, these three races, which had previously been friendly and good to each other, now showed tendencies towards pride, arrogance, and anger.

And lies and malicious whispering spread over the earth's surface like fire in dry grass.

In the hearts of the mighty among the dwarves, elves, and humans, now burned a hot fire of flaming desire for more power and wealth, and most princes now harbored a burning desire to make their own people the most powerful in Vanaheim.

Haughty and diligently guarded all their rank and possessions. But the worst thing that happened was that because of the influence of the black water, the elves, dwarves, and humans lost the ability to see the Vanir, and with that, belief in them was also weakened.

When the gods of light discovered what had happened, it was too late. Evil had spread far and wide, and there was no way to stop it.

But even though many of the children of the earth had stopped believing in them, the good gods refused to give up.

They realized that they had underestimated Marlok. But still, their love was great, and united in friendship and loyalty to each other, the gods of light bravely continued the eternal struggle to save Vanaheim from the clutches of evil in secret.

The good gods made many attempts to destroy the evil water, but all was in vain. No matter what the gods of light did, Nexus always found a way to survive.

Then the good gods created another source, the Water of Life, hoping that it could save the children of Vanaheim from the forces of Nexus and give them the ability to resist the magic of the evil source.

And ever since then, these two sources have fought an eternal battle for the hearts and souls of all living things in Vanaheim.


The Godstone 1: The escape to AlvheimМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя