The Godstone book 1: The escape to Alvheim chapter 5

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When Muriel finally awoke, she found herself in an exquisite room with walls and ceiling made of noble wood, adorned with beautiful white silk curtains hanging in front of open windows.

It was daytime, and the entire room was bathed in golden sunlight. A gentle breeze made the curtains flutter, and outside, the melodious song of a nightingale could be heard.

A woman entered, and after drawing back the curtains, she stood beside the bed, offering a friendly smile as she spoke in the universal language, «Greetings, have you slept well, my lady?»

Muriel could see that she was an elf, dressed in a beautiful white gown with a golden belt around her waist. Her hair, as golden as wheat, cascaded down her bare shoulders.

As Muriel sat up, she asked in a hushed voice:«Where... where am I?»

«You are in King Lysandrion's house. My name is Leeah, and I am a healer.»

Looking around, Muriel realized they were alone in the room, and a rising fear gripped her. With yes filled with fear, she asked:

«My son... where is he?»

Leeah placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. «Don't worry, my lady. Your son is in the room next door, well cared for by the nanny.»

Leeah clapped her hands twice. In the next room the curtain was drawn aside, and a young, small, slender woman entered. In her arms she held Muriel's little son. He slept peacefully.

«This is Darla,» explained Leeah. «She has been chosen to be both your chambermaid and your son's nanny. You'll, of course, have time with him whenever you wish. But sometimes, a nanny might be helpful, and Darla is at your disposal.»

As Muriel felt the lump in her throat loosen, she became ashamed for momentarily thinking bad of the elves.

«Forgive me,» said Muriel. «For a moment, I feared that...»

Leeah smiled reassuringly.

«I understand your concern, my lady. The legends of the magical powers of the divine stone and the prophecy of the chosen one are well known, even in Alvheim. But here in King Lysandrion's house, you have no need to worry. No one here will harm you or your son.»

Leeah observed Muriel quietly, and when the female dwarf, at Muriel's request, placed the little boy in her arms, she said kindly:

«I have given you treatment. But even though you feel better now, you'll need to take this herbal drink for a few more days.»

Leeah fetched a small golden cup from the table, filled it with a pinch of green powder from a bowl, and poured hot water into it. She handed the cup to Muriel.


Muriel obediently drank, and as she emptied the cup, she felt a soothing warmth envelop her. Her head and heart, burdened with heavy thoughts and painful memories, were embraced by an inner calm.

Leeah sat beside her, and while Muriel continued to cradle her little son gently, they spoke softly. However, when Muriel inquired about the old servant who had rescued her and her son from the Highlands, the healer's face saddened.

Sadly, Leeah told Muriel that her old friend had unfortunately passed away. His heart couldn't endure the harsh hardships of the long journey, and when they finally reached safety in Alvheim, the old man couldn't go on. His heart gave up while he was in the magical sleep of the elven prince.

Muriel mourned. Enok had been a good friend, and his kind spirit had been a great joy and support to her on the perilous journey to Alvheim.

Despite the healing herbal drink, Leeah could still sense Muriel's restlessness. The elf woman smiled softly, and when Muriel asked for the third time if it was entirely safe in the realm of the light elves, she said:

«The magical boundaries of Alvheim are sealed with ancient enchantments mastered only by our noble king and queen. They can be opened only by their will. Since your arrival, King Lysandrion has strengthened the power over the boundaries. The king's magic is so potent that it can distort the sight of anyone approaching. To those outside, be they elves, humans, or demons, the hidden realm remains invisible, concealed behind a wall of magic.»

Muriel blinked her eyes. She suddenly felt so tired.

«But...» she stammered. «But...»

Leeah stood up, and in a low voice, she gently stroked Muriel's forehead with her fingertips.

«There, there,» Leeah whispered softly. «You don't need to worry anymore, my lady. Sleep now. You need to rest.»

Muriel slumped, and with the little boy beside her in bed, she fell into a deep sleep.

The Godstone 1: The escape to AlvheimHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin