The Godstone book 1: The escape to Alvheim chapter 14

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Tharal had never suspected his beloved's suffering, for Miri did her best to conceal any trace of Gorm's cruel terror.

The only one who sensed that something was wrong was queen Ametys, for she could see into the souls of others.

Before leaving with Delar, Tharal managed to arrange one last meeting with Miri at their usual meeting place in the forest.

The poor girl could barely speak, for her lips were sore and swollen, and her arms were both yellow and blue from the brutal beatings from her brother.

She wore a long-sleeved dress and a veil over her face to hide the injuries.

Tharal thought that Miri was as beautiful as the wild flowers in the forest. As soon he saw her, he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her. But when Miri gave clear signs that she did not want to be touched, Tharal became sad. 

But Tharal was a man of honor. He put everything into making Miri understand his honest intentions, that he truly loved her, and that he was willing to wait until she was ready.

But just as they were about to bid farewell to each other, Tharal couldn't control himself any longer.

The feelings became too strong, and he reached out with his arms to embrace Miri, but the young girl recoiled in terror, holding her arms protectively around herself.

She didn't want him to discover that she was injured.

«No,» she whispered hoarsely and shook her head. «Don't do it... I...»

«What is it?» Tharal asked confused. He didn't understand. «Why are you pulling away? Have I done something wrong? Something that has hurt you? If so, I apologize.»

«No,»Miri mumbled softly. She closed her eyes tightly as she swallowed hard. «It's not your fault, it's just that...»

«What then?» Tharal took a step towards her. Miri backed away until she felt her back against a tree. She took a step to the side and stumbled over a root.

Tharal grabbed her. Miri whimpered in pain, and at the same time, the veil fell off her. It had caught on a branch, and when Tharal saw her face in the moonlight, he froze.

«By all the dark gods!» he exclaimed horrified. Miri panicked. She tore herself free, and with a wild sob, she fled.

Tharal chased after her, and after a few quick steps, he caught her in his arms. Miri tried to free herself from his grip, but he was too strong.

Eventually, she gave up, and crying, she sank into his chest. Tharal held the trembling body and tried to comfort her as best he could.

«There, there, my dearest,» he whispered tenderly. «Don't be afraid. Now you must tell me, who is the devil who has done this to you? Say the name, and I shall personally hold him or her convicted!»

Miri grabbed his shirt, fear shining in her eyes.

«No!» she sobbed. «I can't tell you who it is. He said he would kill me if I said anything!»

There had been many rumors at court about Gorm's brutality, but Tharal had not wanted to believe them, not until now.

Tharal understood from Muriel's words that it could be none other than Gorm who was to blame for the injuries to her face.

Tharal hated all forms of abuse of power, and he felt his anger boiling within him.

«Come,» he said, taking her hand. « Let's go to the king and tell him what has happened.»

But Miri resisted, and her cheeks were wet with tears as she finally broke free from Tharal's grip.

«Oh, my dear, it's not that simple!» she cried desperately. «If I say something, my mother will die!»

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