The Godstone book 1: The escape to Alvheim chapter 9

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Just like the other evenings, there was a solemn festive atmosphere in the dining room.

Lamps and candles were lit. In the background, on a podium of their own, some elven musicians sat and played sweet music, while elegantly dressed people mingled and conversed.

Suddenly, the musicians stopped playing, and all the guests fell silent as the doors bearing the royal emblem were opened.

The faint chime of small silver bells filled the air as the king and queen entered. They walked over to the thrones placed at one of the long tables, and once they were seated, it was time for the court and the guests to take their places.

Servants brought in large platters of meat and fish adorned with vegetables, swans, and ships made of almonds and honey, large bowls of soups and sauces, and beautiful crystal decanters filled with wine.

Upon a signal from the king, the musicians resumed playing, and as everyone ate, the hall resounded with voices and the soft music of harps and flutes.

As the king's honored guest, Muriel had a seat at the king's table, next to Nateela, and as the closest table attendants, Muriel and Nateela were joined by Delar and two dwarves.

One of the dwarves was just a youth. It was clear he had never experienced such a gathering before, as he sat with his mouth agape, staring wide-eyed at all the precious items on the table. There were crystal goblets and silver plates.

The other dwarf was an older gentleman, more worldly-wise. He was dressed in resplendent clothes, and around his waist, he wore a broad belt of bronze. His white beard was long and gathered into a thick braid that hung down his belly.

It was the first time Muriel had met the dwarves. And as Delar introduced her, the elder dwarf made a deep bow.

«Noble lady,» he said. «Lord Brage from Edor at your service. And this is my son, Od.»

Muriel smiled warmly, and as she tasted the wine, Nateela leaned toward her and whispered:

«Lord Brage is the ambassador of the mountain dwarves. He often visits us.»

Brage nodded, smiling. «The princess is correct. But it is not only out of royal duty that I travel thus.»

«No, of course not, my lord,» Nateela replied politely. «I know that in addition to your duties, you also wish to visit your daughter.»

Delar noticed that Muriel was intrigued. He smiled, and as he took a grape from his plate and popped it into his mouth, he said:

« Lord Brage is Darla's father.»

Od didn't catch everything that was said. He was more preoccupied with studying a fork. He turned it around a bit, then suddenly stuck it into his mouth and bit down.

There was a crunching sound, and those sitting nearby startled in surprise. Od waited for a moment, then he took the fork out of his mouth and as he spat out two broken teeth, he grinned at his father.

«Look, father, real silver!»

Brage was completely taken aback by his son's foolish antics, and Muriel could see he was turning red with embarrassment.

«Honorable ladies, I apologize profusely for my son's behavior. But when he was little, he fell from a tree and hit his head, and since then, he has not been quite himself.»

Muriel smiled kindly as she looked at Od. He was always up to something odd, and Nateela had a hard time keeping a straight face. Even Delar had a mirthful twinkle in his eyes.

As she ate, Muriel glanced over at the other guests.

At another table nearby sat a young man among other humans. He was dark and brooding, his face stern with severe features.

The Godstone 1: The escape to AlvheimWhere stories live. Discover now