The Godstone book 1: The escape to Alvheim chaper 4

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The elven prince led the exhausted refugees to the fortress where the border guardians were stationed. There, they were given shelter while a carrier pigeon was sent to the hidden realm and to the secret city, Aldeigjuborg.

Finally, the poor people received food, drink, and warm blankets. As calm settled over the fortress, Delar noticed that Muriel had a sad and worried expression on her face. «You're troubled,» he said.

Delar looked at the little boy peacefully sleeping in his mother's secure arms.

«Don't you believe in the prophecy?»
«Of course,» Muriel replied. «But he's still just a child.»
«He will learn both strength and wisdom,» Delar said.

«When the people of Vanaheim hear that the chosen one is among us, they will gather. And when the time comes for his true mission, he will have support from all, humans, dwarves, and elves alike.»

Dusk flamed in red and gold in the wake of the sunrise, a stroke of color filling the horizon in a long, beautiful sweep.

_ _ _
When word finally arrived that the king of Alvheim would welcome the refugees, Delar said to Muriel and Enok:

«The way to our realm is a secret. Only the king's own people should know about it. So, for security reasons, I must put you to sleep.»

Muriel and Enok looked at each other, then nodded. They had no choice.

«Do what you must, noble sir,» said Muriel. «We trust you.»

Delar smiled faintly. He crouched in front of her, and while he ran his hand over her face without touching it, he whispered softly in elvish.

Eyelids felt so heavy. The last thing Muriel perceived was the elven prince performing the same action with both her son and Enok.

Once the three humans had fallen asleep, the elves took them and placed them on stretchers. After ensuring they were well, Delar and his companions guided them on secret paths into the hidden realm.

The Godstone 1: The escape to Alvheimजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें