The Godstone book 1: The escape to Alvheim chapter 10

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When the meal was finally over, everyone went their separate ways. Muriel tried her best to avoid meeting Gorm face to face. He might have been handsome and wealthy, but there was something in his gaze that filled her with discomfort.

It struck her that he was an unpredictable man. His words might sound fair, but the gleam in his dark eyes and the tone of his voice could tell anyone with wisdom that this was a man no one could fully trust.

And she wondered greatly why Lysandrion had such a man in his service. Muriel noticed that Gorm was not liked by anyone in the castle. Everyone, even the king, kept their distance from him.

Muriel looked around warily. She couldn't see Gorm anywhere, and she was just about to take the opportunity to hurry up to her chambers when she suddenly felt a finger tapping her on the shoulder. She whirled around, coming face to face with...

«Nateela!» gasped Muriel, startled. «You mustn't startle me like that! I thought... well, never mind.»

«I apologize,» said the princess. «It wasn't my intention to scare you. But I bring a message to you from my parents. They are inside the Magnolia pavilion and they wish for you to join them. They have something they want to discuss with you.»

The Magnolia pavilion was on the south side of the castle. When Nateela and Muriel entered, only the queen and six of her foremost court ladies were present. Ametys rose from her seat, and with a friendly smile, she led Muriel to a bench beside her.

Just as Muriel had seated herself, the king and his men entered. Wine was served, and at a signal from the queen, some of the court ladies began to play sweet music. It was the kind of soft and light tones that made everyone feel relaxed.

Delar positioned himself by the window. One of the court ladies approached him with a goblet, and as he drank, Nateela leaned toward Muriel and whispered:

«The woman standing with my brother is Lady Lumiya, she is the eldest daughter of the queen of the avari people.»

«She is very beautiful,» whispered Muriel back. Nateela nodded. «She is indeed the most beautiful of all avari women, and incredibly talented. She loves music and song, and she is a master of the ancient dances.»

«I believe you,» Muriel muttered softly. She didn't understand why she suddenly felt so uncomfortable. But as she watched the two together, she felt a violent pang of sorrow and longing in her heart.

Queen Ametys turned to Lysandrion and with a bright smile toward him she said, «My lord, isn't it time for a little song?»

She gestured to lady Lumiya. When the beautiful elven woman approached her, the queen took her hand in hers and continued:

«What if our dear prince and this beautiful lady performed a duet together?»

Lady Lumiya giggled shyly. The queen smiled. «Yes, my dear. I know you are the best singer among your people, and both my husband and I would consider it a great honor to hear you sing now.»

«With pleasure, if the prince agrees,» replied Lumiya. It fell silent as everyone looked over at the prince.

Delar was still standing by the window. He pretended to think for a moment, then he straightened up and bowed lightly. Everyone smiled, and suddenly there was an expectant atmosphere in the room. Everyone was looking forward to hearing the two most famous voices in the entire elven realm.

A servant came forward with a golden harp. Lady Lumiya accepted the instrument and with a proud and graceful movement, she sat on a chair. Her slender fingers flew over the strings as she began the song with a magnificent prelude.

Delar took his place beside her. «Now's my chance to slip away,» Muriel thought quietly. She and the royal couple had finished their important conversation. The king had wanted to know more about the critical situation in Vanaheim and about Botan, and Muriel had tried to answer his questions as best she could.

Muriel didn't feel quite well. Just having to talk about the most hated person in all of Vanaheim drained all her energy and joy. She had a headache, and she felt like she needed fresh air.

But as Delar began to sing with his soft and clear voice, Muriel found herself sitting as if enchanted. Through her ears, the tones found their way to her heart, where they evoked a strange feeling. And as she listened, Muriel suddenly felt like Delar was turning towards her.

Muriel tried to pretend like nothing was happening, but inside her, emotions were in wild chaos.

Muriel waited until the last and full tone faded away, and as everyone rose and went over to Delar and Lumiya to praise them for their beautiful entertainment, Muriel took the opportunity to get away.

She chose a side door, which fortunately was nearby. As she entered the large hall, Muriel noticed that one of her sandals had come loose. And she bent down to fix it.

Muriel was so preoccupied with the sandal that she didn't notice the door to the pavilion opening and someone coming out. So when she finished and was about to continue to her rooms, she ran straight into the stranger who had been standing still behind her.

Muriel was completely startled, and with a little gasp, she took a few steps back. She looked up, and her heart skipped a beat when she realized who she had collided with. It was Delar.

There was silence for a moment, then he nodded politely, and after making sure no one was nearby, he said:

«Good evening.»

Muriel, who wanted to be alone, had a little trouble dealing with this unexpected meeting. But she managed to smile, albeit a bit strained.

«Good evening, Your Highness,» she bowed gently.

Delar looked at her, and out of old habit, Muriel lowered her gaze. She had heard many stories of people who had been subjected to the magical power in elven eyes. And if there was one thing Muriel didn't want, it was to be enchanted.

Delar couldn't resist and asked straight out:

«Why do you always look away? Are you afraid?»

Muriel wondered what to say. She thought for a moment, then she figured it was best to tell it like it was. Delar fell silent, and for a moment he stared at her incredulously, then suddenly he laughed. It was not an evil laugh. It was deep and hearty.

«Not all legends are true,» he said smiling. «We elves are actually quite peaceful. We prefer to sing and dance and tell stories rather than to create unrest. We are hunters, but we never shoot more than we need. But over the years, many things have changed for our people. Long ago, we and humans lived in peace with each other, but as the human race increased, so did their way of life change. The very first among humans were noble and wise, but the new generations became greedy. Because of their hatred and prejudice, the alliance between elves and humans was broken several times and war was inevitable.
But unlike humans, my people did not want to fight. Instead of war, we chose to hide.
Yes, our weapons can be sharp and dangerous, but only towards enemies. And magic, yes, we all have that ability, but it is only used in special circumstances.»

«I know that we humans have done much harm,» said Muriel. «But there are some who are good too.»

Delar looked at her, and Muriel felt like his clear eyes were seeing right through her. Oh, please! she thought. Don't look at me like that!

«You seem so pale,» he said seriously. «Are you unwell?»

She straightened up and with a determined look in her eyes, she said:

«No, not at all. I'm just tired. Please forgive me, Your Highness. But I must attend to my son.»

And before Delar could stop her, she walked away quickly.

The prince stood for a moment watching her, then he turned and went back to the pavilion. He was just about to open the door when he suddenly heard someone calling out to him. He turned around and saw a young man hurrying towards him. It was his foster brother, the half-elf Tharal.

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