The Godstone book 1: Prehistory Part 3

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Botan lit the sacrificial fire and knelt before the temple wall adorned with the image of Onyx and her two black demon hounds, her servants. They had heads like dogs and bodies like humans.

Botan had mastered the magical incantation, and with a powerful voice, he recited the words in the language of demons:

«O' Onyx!
O' priestess, guardian of the Waters of Evil.
Your image towers majestically before me!
For you, I have lit the dark fire!
Hear my prayer!
Grant me permission to obtain the power from the Dark Water, so that I may better serve our mighty lord, Marlok, the ruler of darkness!»

As the final words of the prayer were spoken, the temple wall began to shake and tremble. Large cracks appeared, and the gloomy atmosphere of the temple was broken by the rumbling of falling bricks, and in a cloud of rubble and old dust, Onyx appeared.

Onyx and her two servants were surrounded by black smoke dancing like veils around them, and Onyx's voice was as smooth as velvet as she spoke:

«So, you seek the power from the Nexus source? But to reach the Waters of Evil, you must first provide me with a sacrifice.»

Botan stood up. Of course, he knew it!

On his journey, he had brought Katia. His only surviving relative. Katia was twelve years old, beautiful, and untouched.

Botan had deceived her into coming with him under the pretext that she would see something wonderful and exciting that she had never seen before.
Like most children, Katia was full of curiosity, and unaware of Botan's evil intentions, the girl had agreed.

Botan had smiled and praised her courage. But, as he said, in a secretive voice, no matter how brave she was, it was very important that she allow herself to be bound and blindfolded. Otherwise, it wouldn't be exciting.

Katia had willingly agreed to the conditions. She was a little surprised, but she assumed it was part of the surprise.

After Botan had made her wait outside the cave, he now brought her in.

Onyx regarded the girl with a smile.

The black hound demons stirred restlessly in the background. The scent of a pure innocent soul made them tug at the magical chains that held them. They growled and snapped, their red eyes gleaming with raw malice.

Onyx's black eyes gleamed as she made a gesture with her hand.

The blindfold over Katia's eyes fell off, and Onyx softly laughed at the terrified face of the girl.

Katia had heard the stories of Marlok and all his evil servants, and she knew from pictures she had seen on temple walls who the incredibly beautiful woman standing before her was.

Katia struggled in terror to free herself from the rope, and her beautiful dark almond-shaped eyes were filled with tears as she turned to Botan.

«No!» she screamed and clung to him. «Please, help me! I beg you! I'll do anything you want, just don't give me ... to them! Please!»

But Botan ignored the little girl's plea. His heart had grown hard after many years of exposure to Nexus magic. And with a cold glance, he tore himself away.

Onyx raised her hand and curled her long thin fingers, and with magic, she drew the terrified girl towards her. She lightly stroked her soft cheek, and she sighed contentedly to herself, enjoying the fear rippling through the fragile human body.

«Hold your breath, child,» whispered Onyx, smiling, a cold smile. «No one can hear your little whimperings here. You are in my temple now, and here, only I rule.»

The dark priestess turned to Botan.

«I accept the sacrifice, human. You have my permission to enter Nexus.»

And while holding the girl in a firm grip, Onyx stepped aside to let Botan into the large opening in the wall behind her.

Katia cried bitterly in despair. Her eyes were wide with fear, and she trembled like a leaf.

But Botan was so corrupted by the evil of Nexus that he didn't care to look back.

As he walked through the dark corridors in the inner part of Onyx's temple, he heard Katia's screams of terror echoing from the outer wall. And for a brief moment, it was as if he froze.

The child's screams had been terrible. Botan knew what had happened. Onyx had sucked in Katia's soul.

To sacrifice someone of his own blood, that was the condition to obtain the power from Nexus.

Botan hesitated for a moment, but so strong was Nexus's power over him, that even if he, at this moment, had a last trace of humanity left, it disappeared now, as abruptly as Katia's death scream.


The Godstone 1: The escape to AlvheimWhere stories live. Discover now