The Godstone book 1: Prehistory part 6

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When the mountain king saw how the outcome of the battle was going to be, he ordered the guard to sound the retreat on the horn.

Some of the city's inhabitants had already sought refuge inside the castle, but the mountain king could not wait for everyone to make it inside the walls.

The mountain king had to think of those who were already inside, and with sorrow and pain, he ordered the gates to be closed.

But before the guards could do anything, the three black dragons launched their attack.

With flaming fire, the dragons broke down the gates, and as the last defenders fell, died, the dragons forced their way into the halls of the mountain castle.

Now the terrible bloody battle for Shan-E-Sorkh was brought to an end.


After the conquest of the mountain castle, the dwarves who had not been killed were herded together on the terraces in front of the gates.

They were prisoners to be taken to Botan's castle. Among them was also the king and his brother.

With pain and despair in their hearts, the prisoners witnessed how the evil goblins and dragons ravaged and destroyed the last remnants of their proud city.

All halls and chambers in the mountain castle and in the city were plundered for treasures.

One of the black dragons landed by the terraces, and without a glance at the poor prisoners, the dragon began to argue with a huge troll.

The black dragon was very hungry after the battle, and its long jaw with the razor-sharp teeth grabbed hold of a dwarf body that the troll was holding onto and tore it away from him.

Even though the dragon was huge and terrible in its hunger, the troll was stubborn. With a roar of anger, the troll raised his massive axe.

The troll was just about to cleave the axe straight into the skull of the audacious dragon who dared to take his prey from him, when another black dragon suddenly landed in front of him.

It was Dagon, the leader of the black dragons.

The red dragon eyes glowed, and the troll felt as if his head would burst as Dagon used his magic on him.

«You empty-headed fool!» snarled the black dragon angrily. «Indeed, we are allies, but if you dare to lay a hand on one of my family, you will discover what it means to incur my wrath!»

The troll retreated whimpering, and the black dragon who held the dead dwarf body in its jaws sneered to itself as it tossed its prey into the air and swallowed it in one gulp.

Where the dwarf king stood chained together with the other unfortunate prisoners, King Caliban could see the tragic traces of the terrible battle.

Burning buildings, streams of blood flowing along the ground and stairs. Dead bodies of both animals and dwarves lay scattered around.

Some of the goblins were wreaking havoc with bodies lying on the ground.

Caliban bowed his head in sorrow, and while pain and despair gnawed at his heart, the dwarf king turned away from the terrible sight.

King Caliban could not bear to ponder whether the victims the gogirs were mistreating were alive or dead.

But quietly in his mind, the dwarf king chose to believe for their sake that they were dead.

All the dwarves' treasures were gathered in the largest hall of the mountain castle, some were distributed among the goblins, while the rest - that is, most of it, was carefully guarded by Dagon.

When it came to gold and riches, the black dragons were just like any other creatures.

Their craving for the golden metal was legendary, and woe betide anyone who dared to touch the treasure of a black dragon.

That daredevil would immediately be grilled to ash by deadly fire breath!

None of the other dragons dared to challenge Dagon. They left him alone, and hoped that someday, perhaps they themselves would be as lucky as he was to find their own treasures.

As King Caliban and the rest of the prisoners were driven away under stinging lashes, Varg stood in what was left of the magnificent square, and savored his total victory.

The mission was completed. The proud city of the dwarves was crushed. The only thing left was some sad remnants of house ruins standing and burning.

The gogirs trudged wide-legged around in the ruins and heaps of bloody corpses in search of treasures.

Varg cast a brief glance at the broken body lying at his feet. He snarled triumphantly.

Galbro had fought bravely, but even though he was a skilled warrior, Galbro eventually succumbed to the dark power that Varg possessed.

The werewolf grabbed Galbro by the collar, and as if the dwarf were a toy, Varg lifted him up, only to brutally throw the dwarf back to the ground again.

Galbro couldn't hold back a groan as a couple of ribs cracked. He coughed, and streams of blood ran down the corners of his mouth and nose.

Varg leaned over Galbro, and the yellow eyes narrowed into two thin slits as he smiled coldly.

With great pain, Galbro hoisted himself up on one elbow, and with a look of disgust, he stared at Varg.

«You may think you have won,» coughed Galbro. «But you should know that even if I die, there will be others who will fight against you and your evil master!»

Varg grunted:

«Let them come. They won't stand a chance against my master. But as for you, your time is up now.»

Varg made a strike with his left hand. Galbro's eyes widened as the sharp claws were pressed into his chest.

The dwarf gasped once. A shudder went through him, then he fell backwards and died.

Thus ended Galbro, one of the defenders of the city of Shan-E-Sorkh, his life.

Varg withdrew the bloody hand and with dark eyes, he silently regarded the sticky lump that he held in his claws. Galbro's heart.

Varg had become hungry after the hard battle. First, he ate the heart, but when it was not enough, he prepared to eat the dead dwarf.

He licked around his bloody mouth in pure anticipation as he looked down at Galbro's corpse lying on the ground.

But before Varg could grab Galbro's dead body, suddenly two giant eagles came swooping down from the dark sky.

The eagles dived towards Varg, and while one kept the werewolf at bay with flapping wings, the other eagle grabbed the body in its powerful talons.

And while Varg stood roaring with anger over the loss of his prey, both eagles flew away with Galbro's bloody body.


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