The Godstone book 1 Prehistory part 5

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                   GALBRO'S FATE

Varg had arrived. And like a dark demon from the underworld, he stood there in the middle of the square in the ruined city.

Some of the goblins had grabbed some of the women and children, including Galbro's own family. Driven by fear, they were pushed towards Varg.

Several dwarves desperately tried to save them, but they were immediately pushed back by the flying dragons.

Galbro himself was too far away to do anything, and all the while he had to defend himself against attackers.

But even as he fought, Galbro couldn't help but notice what was happening over there in the square.

Amidst loud screams of terror from the unfortunate, Varg grabbed one of the infants, and when the mother made a desperate attempt to save her child, she was immediately silenced by the goblins.

There was a flash of a sword, and the poor dwarf woman fell lifeless to the ground. The sword had struck her right in the heart, and she died instantly.

Varg lifted the crying child by one leg, and after sniffing it, he opened his long jaws and swallowed the little body.

The other women and children whimpered in horror. The child and the woman who were first killed were Galbro's son and wife.

When Galbro saw what had happened to his little family, he screamed in sorrow and pain.

The werewolf had heard the dwarf's cries, and now he grinned maliciously at the spot where Galbro stood.

With a contemptuous snort, and to further provoke Galbro's rage, Varg signaled to the goblins to kill the other captives.

Bloody axes and swords were raised, and terrified screams were heard as the frightened victims tried to escape from the wild goblins who wanted to kill them.

Galbro trembled with disgust at Varg's cruelty. But even though his cheeks were wet with tears of despair, he continued to fight.

Galbro fought and fought, and finally he had fought his way all the way to the square, where Varg was.

When Galbro finally stood face to face with the mighty werewolf, the dwarf could feel the dark power from Varg flowing towards him, and Galbro understood that the battle would be hard.

Galbro looked around. Dwarves everywhere fought bravely, but the war was uneven.

The enemy was too powerful, and in a brief, painful moment, Galbro realized that his people would never be able to stop the evil that had been unleashed upon them.

But even though their proud city of Shan-E-Sorkh was doomed to destruction, Galbro was determined to avenge Varg, for the murders of his son and wife, and for the cruel slaughter of his people.

«Oh gods,» Galbro whispered to himself. «Help me, so that I can endure!»

Varg lifted his huge claws, and with eyes glowing with evil, he attacked. Galbro pulled himself together, and with incredible agility, he avoided the deadly blow.

The werewolf's razor-sharp claws dug deep into the ground next to the dwarf.

Galbro made a powerful leap. Like an elegant bird, he flew up into the air, somersaulted, and landed on the powerful neck of the werewolf.

There, Galbro stood balancing as he raised his sword. Galbro made a powerful thrust, and black blood gushed from the gaping wound.

Varg let out a roar that made the mountains and earth tremble, and before Varg could grab Galbro, Galbro had jumped away.

Galbro landed on the ground. Varg attacked several times, but each time Galbro avoided the werewolf's deadly claws.

Varg was like a storm cloud, and anger made his yellow eyes glow.

Galbro fought bravely. But eventually, the dwarf grew tired, and before Galbro could avoid it, he was suddenly thrown over by Varg's magical powers.

Galbro hit a wall, and half-dazed, he fell to the ground.

The werewolf grinned triumphantly as he walked over to the dwarf and placed his left foot over Galbro's neck.

The weight of it was like a falling rock.

Galbro groaned behind clenched lips, and with great pain, he looked up at the dark werewolf towering over him.

Varg leaned down and with a low snarl, he whispered:

«Now you are mine, dwarf!»

But even though he was exhausted, Galbro refused to give up. Galbro gathered his last strength, and while rage surged within him like a turbulent sea, Galbro grabbed the sword he had dropped in the fall and drove the sharp blade right into Varg's foot.

The werewolf screamed and jerked, and with tremendous force, Galbro flung the huge foot away.

Like a shot, the dwarf was up, and before the werewolf could stop him, Galbro pointed the sword at Varg.

Varg coldly stared at the dwarf as they circled each other like two tigers.

«You caught me off guard there,» said Varg through gritted teeth. «But I'll soon rectify that mistake!»

Varg lifted his huge arms, and with a raging howl, he charged forward. Galbro reacted without thinking.

He whirled the sword so it looked like a wheel, and suddenly he jumped straight up, so high that for a moment it looked like he had the ability to defy gravity.

Varg snarled furiously.

«You won't escape me!»

Varg made a swift movement with one arm. Galbro raised the sword, and the two opponents met in a fierce duel with swords and claws.


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