64. Where are you

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Becky's pov

I will be giving birth to our child in a few days. I'm excited but my wife is more excited than me. We didn't check our baby's gender. We both decided that we will know our baby's gender when him/she comes out.

Freen hasn't been letting me move a finger for the past few days. She always assists me in doing things. Even for bathing. Well i don't complain though. We don't want this princess treatment from their wife. I love to be pampered by her.

I know i haven't been that good of a wife to her. My hormones didn't make it easy for me. But I feel calm nowadays. And I love how patience she was when I was throwing tantrums to her. I don't know what I did in my last life to get an amazing wife like her.

Oww, my baby is kicking me again. I think my baby wants my attention too cause I've been day dreaming about my wife.

I still remember the day when our baby kicked me first and Freen was so excited to feel it. She was soo happy that day.

"Baby, penny for your thoughts" oh that's my wife. She was wearing her apron. She placed the tray of food she made for me near the chair that was sitting. She sat beside me.

"Nothing, I was thinking about our baby" i said

"Oh, did you decide a name for our baby" she asked

"No, i thought you already did" I said

"Ok, why don't we both choose a name. For our baby" she asked

"Ok, I'll choose a name for baby boy and you chose a name for our baby girl " I said.

"Ok fine, what do we name her" she thought for a moment "How about Hope" she asked

"Hope??" I said

"Yeah, you know she'll be our ray of hope whenever we feel down. I'm sure that she will be our hope" she said and smiled. "Hope Patricia Chankimha, it's a good name noh?"

I smiled after I heard the full name. She squeezed my hand "just like her mama, she will be a fighter and a lovable baby" she said making me tear up.

"Aww baby" I said and cupped her cheeks "What if it's a boy" i asked and she thought for a moment

"Beckett" she said

"You are naming our child after me huh" i asked

"Why not, you are the most precious person in my life and i love everything about you, and I want our kids to have a part of your name too" she said and gave me a kiss.

"Ok so he will be Beckett Finn Chankimha" I said "i want your name with him too" I said and she grinned

"I love it" she said

"And I love you" I said and she chuckled

"And I love you more" she said

After that she finished our breakfast and eat her a movie. During the movie Freen got a call from Engfa and she asked for her presence. I don't want her to go but Engfa sounded a bit tense. So i told her that she could go.

After she went out, I went to our room to take a nap. But before i could take a nap, I got a message from an unknown number

"Come to ***** if you want your wife alive"

I got panicked and tried to call Freen, she wasn't picking up. Then i called Engfa and Noey they weren't also picking up. I drove the car and went to the address.

The drive was 30 minutes long. I was continuously calling Freen and Engfa but none of them picked up.

No one's pov

I know my plan will workout. Wait and watch Sarocha i will make sure to make your life a living hell for what you have done to me and my family.

After making your life hell, I will go and finish my ungrateful fellows who helped you.

I'm gonna kill you bitch.

"Sir , she's here" my men informed me

"Start our plan and make sure she won't escape" i said and they left.

After 10 minutes i went to check on Rebecca, she was sleeping.

"Let's see what will your wife do when she knows that her wife and baby is in danger " I said and smirked.

I looked at her tummy, looks like her baby won't see the World. Poor thing it's gonna die soon.

Even though I feel pity towards the unborn baby, I will be glad to end you both. But first, let's play some game with your wife. Let her suffer some time.

After that I called Freen... She picked up quickly.

"So eager to find your wife huh" I said

"Fuck you aashole, where is she" she demanded

"You are in no position to yell at me sarocha" I yelled

"Just don't hurt her, you want me right. Just take me let her go" she begged

"Oww it feels good that you are begging, but it's no use. I will make sure you will suffer" I said

"Who are you" she asked

"The one who's gonna make your life a living hell" I said. I know she will be thinking about who I am. But I'm smarter than you Sarocha

"Don't hurt her" she demanded

"Don't worry, I will make sure you will suffer, even if I have to take 2 lives" I said

"Don't you dare basterd" she yelled

"Find me if you can Sarocha, I know you won't. I will give you 24 hours. Your clock is ticking" I said and ended the call. Without even letting her speak

I went back to where Rebecca was waiting and I saw her conscious "Hey Rebecca, how does it feels to know that your wife isn't in danger anymore" I said and she looked at me

"H-how...." She was surprised


Author's note

Happy valentine's day my lovely readers.

I know, I know .... It's not a happy chapter to wish you guys valentine's.

So are guys ready for the end of the book. It's gonna end in 2 days.

Hope you will enjoy the story

Stay safe and take a lot of rest.

Love Author 🌷💜

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