58. It's a Game over

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Noey's pov

After Engfa collapsed, the doctors checked her and made her rest on a room and put an iv on her.

Me and Freen slept with Engfa at her room. Cause irin's parents are already there to look after her and i told our parents that we were will look after Engfa. We slept off from the tiredness

I woke up in the at 4am, when i felt Engfa crying.

"Hey," I heard freen's voice

I woke up and made my way towards them. I looked at Engfa and gave her some water

"How's she" Engfa asked

"She's ok, the operation went well but .... " I couldn't speak more

"But what Noey" Engfa asked

"She's in a coma" Freen said

"What" Engfa asked

"Yes, she's in a coma. But she will wake up within a month so don't worry we are with you na" Freen said and Engfa started to cry.

We both hugged and and consoled her. After some minutes she calmed down

"Where's that bastard" she asked

"He's with us and we will talk about him later. First go and meet Char" Freen said and nodded.

I took Engfa to Char's room. She cried a lot after seeing her. I left giving her some privacy.

Freen's pov

I'm with my gang and Nop. We all are in the hospital.

"What are we gonna do about Seng" Nam asked

"We should let Billy know about this first" Noey said

"Do you want to, cause i don't want that. I just want to end him" Engfa said

"If char, irin or bec knows we will be in trouble" Heng said and we nodded

"We should deal with them as soon as possible" Noey said

"Yes and I don't want bec, char or Irin involved in this matter anymore. We should deal this quickly" I said

"Are we gonna hand over him to the police" Nop asked

"Or we could just kill that aashole " Engfa said

"We need more evidence to put Stefan behind bars, so we need him alive and we are going to let Billy know about him" I said

"We should let him know that his brother is with us" Nop said. And they all nodded

"Ok then you guys start the work, and we will join you in the afternoon, after making sure Engfa is good to join us" i said and Engfa glared at me

"And let the girls know about this I don't want to see them sulking over you guys" Nam said and we chuckled

"Fine, move your asses and start working " I said

They all left us. We let the doctor check on Engfa and she's now good to go. Engfa went to meet Char and Noey went to meet Irin. And i went to meet my wife.

"Hey baby" my mom said and smiled

"Maa" I said and hugged her

"Aww my Freeny is tired huh" she asked and i nodded like a child.

"Did you guys forget about me" it was Becky's mom

"Aww don't sulk maa, I love you na" I said and hugged her.

"You and your sweet tongue, now I get why Becky is so smitten over you" she said and chuckled.

"You guys know that I'm still here and I can hear and see you" it was Becky.

"Baby, when did you wake up" i asked as i went near her.

"Come here" she said as she opened her arms for me to snuggle and i gladly did

"We are still here" we heard our mom's voice and we chuckled

"I miss you wifeyy" she said in a cute voice

"Get well soon na" i siad and kissed her.

"Why do I feel like you are gonna do something" she asked

"Cause I am" I said and she glared at me "don't sulk na, we should deal with Seng and Billy and we can't waste time" I said

"Fine, I'm coming with you" she said

"No way my dear wifey, I already said you can't get hurt and you did so you will rest here and I will go" i said and she pouted

"Not fair" she said

"Behave well and get well soon, we have so many things to do in bed" I said and winked at her

"Pervert" she mumbled and i saw her blushing

"Only for you my love" I said and kissed her "now, take care my baby. I will visit you soon and and I will take care of you. Ok" I said and she nodded

"Freen" she called me

"Yes baby" i asked she snuggled closer to my ears "I love you Daddy, stay safe for your wife na" she said and i blushed

"Ok mommy" i said and hugged her.

After some minutes i left the hospital with Noey and Engfa. We made our way to our safe house.

"Hey we fixed a meeting with Billy at 8pm at the xxxxx warehouse so we should leave now" Nam said and we went to the warehouse.

We have already set our people's outside the warehouse to make sure no one will enter here. But we allowed Billy to bring his men.

After like 30 minutes Billy arrived and from the look on his face damn he is angry.

"Where is he Sarocha" he asked when he saw me

"Do we have a deal Billy" i asked him. Cause when we called him we demanded some files that might put Stefan in jail.

"I have it ok, let me see him first" he said

"We have some questions too" Nop said

"I will fucking answer your every fucking questions just let me see him" he said

"First you answer and we will let you see him" Heng said

"Fine just ask" he said

"Why did he attack Becky" Engfa asked

"Cause she hurted me and insulted me and he  didn't like the way she treated me that's all" he said

"What" i asked

"Just please let me see him" he begged.

I don't know why I suddenly felt pitty towards him. I called Michael and asked him to bring Seng here.

When Michael bought seng. Billy was crying

"Oh my baby......." ..........

Wait..... What .. ???

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