56. Mission

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Freen's pov

I woke up and saw my beautiful Angel's face. I smiled and kissed her head. But i felt my head paining a lot "fuck" i mumbled and groaned

"You ok babe"I heard Becky's voice. She looked concerned

"I am wifey........ it's just headaches" I said

"Serves you right, who told you to drink that much" she asked and i pouted

"I'm sorry kha next time this won't happen" i said as i tried to make her look at me.

She stood up and went to kitchen side. Came back with 3 water bottle. She handed me a water bottle and a medicine

"Drink that and rest" she said and i nodded. As she said i drink the medicine

"Now rest my love" she said and kissed my temples

"I want you beside me love" i said and she came beside me and lay down spooning me. Then i slept off again.

When I woke up again. I was sleeping with Noey and Engfa. 'ahhhhh' I yelled when I saw them near me.

"What the fuck" Noey said "Freen" she asked in disbelief and yelled

"Gosh shup up you idiots" Engfa yelled

"How did we end up together " Noey asked

"I don't know ok, just shut up will you" Engfa said from back

"Oh we can tell, you know" I heard Becky's voice and saw Becky, char and irin looking at us giving us death glares

"You 3 come and sit on the sofa now" Char yelled

"Yes ma'am" we 3 stood up and went to couch.

After we sat on the sofa, we looked at our girlfriends faces and saw their angry faces. Fuck what did we do yesterday.

I heard them sigh "we don't know what to do with you 3" Irin said and shook her head

"Why, did we do something wrong" Noey asked

"You did but we don't know if we should be punish you or reward you" Char said and we looked at each other "you didn't even recognise your own lovers after you got drunk" she added

Fuck, when did that happen. What else we did we do

"We are sorry guys" Engfa said and we 2 nodded

"And hitting on us, and saying that we are beautiful without even recognising that we are your lovers" Becky said

"Fuck" i mumbled

"What should we do about you guys" irin asked

"Wait we are really sorry, that we didn't recognise you but it's true that you guys are beautiful in our eyes" Noey said and we nodded

"Yes, indeed beautiful " Engfa said

"My angel" I said looking at my wife and she smiled.

"Wait what about the reward thing" i asked and she came near me and sat on my lap.

"Reward because you didn't even let us touch you guys because you thought we were strangers and we are so proud of you guys about it" Becky said and pecked me "and I'm glad that you have a lovely wife that you love badly and don't even let anyone touch you cause you know your wife will get mad. And I'm glad to be your wife baby" she said and kissed me again.

"We are really proud of you guys" Char said and we all Chuckled

"Why don't we eat" Irin asked and we all went to eat.

Breakfast was full of teasing and kissing. Char, Irin and Becky kept teasing us. Me, Engfa and Noey blushed too much because of what we said and did yesterday.

After breakfast we watched a movie together.
Heng, Nop, Nam, and Kate came back after some hours. We did our lunch and started to work on plans against the serpents.

We have already done our work against their company, and now it's the turn for serpents. And this time we won't be waiting for them to strike first. We will attack them first.

Next day at 7pm

We are waiting near the serpants safe house, as per the information we got from Bible after we confront him. He said that they are meeting here to plan to distroy our gang. And we are gonna distroy them tonight.

We divided into 5 teams for the attack. Nam, Kate and kirk as snipers. Bec, Char, irin and Michael will go from the right side. Me, Noey and Engfa will go from the right side.

While heng and nop will navigate us through the intercom. Mind will stay with the other members and start the attack when we signal them to. We have to end the serpants today. It's your end Seng, wait for it.

As we made our way inside, there were too many guards. As per our information there we about to 50 guards. But scanning from here there are more than 50 here.

"Heng, there are too many of them here" I said. I said

"Freen, it's their trap. We should leave" he said

"No, we can't not now, we are already inside and it's better if we move forward " Char said

"Stay wherever you are, don't move and hide. Let me check on the people and inform you" Heng said

"Nam, stay in your position. You guys have lot of work here" I said

"Noted" she said

"Mind, attack when I say" i said

"We are ready for your signal" Mind said

"We got it, Nop will navigate the others and I'll help you guys now" Heng informed

"Ok" I said

"Nam kill who ever you see in the forth floor" Heng said

"Consider it done" Nam said

"Bec and the others are on the 2nd floor, you guys should go to the 3rd floor, Seng is there" he said

"On it" i said and looked at Engfa and Noey and they nodded their head.

"Mind start attack the ground floor and come to the first floor " I said

"On it" she replied

Me, Noey and Engfa, went inside without making any voice. We killed whoever we saw. There were lot of people and it's like never ending story.

"People from first floor are making their way towards you" heng informed

"Mind, finish your work and come to 2nd floor" I said

"Almost there" she said back

We saw more people coming towards us, luckily they weren't carrying any guns. They were using knifes. We fought them and when Mind and the others made their way we stopped fighting with them and went to find Seng.

We reloaded our gun and made our way towards seng. We saw some bulky mens waiting for us there.

"All clear on the fourth floor" Nam said

"Good, check on the 3rd floor" i said

"On it" Nam said. And we made our way towards the bulky mens and fought them. They were too strong for us. We shot some of them. Fighting then wasn't easy.

"No one on the 3rd floor " Nam said

"Where's Beck and the others" I asked.


"Hey sis" ........


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