46. Planning

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Engfa's pov

After the incident in the safe house, Freen texted us to wait at Nop's place.

We are waiting for Freen and Becky to show up. Char, irin and Nop doesn't have any idea what is happening.

After 40 minutes Freen came with Becky, I could tell from her face that something happened again.

"What happened Freen" Nam asked. Well we all can sense it

"Billy and me Stefan came to our office" Becky said and made Freen sit.

"What" we all yelled

"More like they attended the shareholders meeting and proposed a partnership between the two companies and to nominate Billy as the next ceo" Becky said and we all were shocked. How hell he can say that

"Why, Freen is the CEO right" I asked

"There has been a issue recently and Freen is being held the responsibility and if she doesn't find any solution she has to step down" Becky explained

"That fuckers" i said

"They can't decide on their own and Why aren't we informed about the meeting " Noey asked

"What do you mean" Beck asked

"We also have shares and we are a part of the shareholders, we should be informed if they have decided on anything" i said

"It's because I don't want Stefan or Billy to know about your shares, that's why I replaced your names with other person" Freen said

"Why" irin asked her

"I sensed something like this, that's why I made someone else appear to represent you both. So that if things don't go planned, you guys will step in" Freen explained

"What's your plan" Kate asked

"First ,did you find any evidence " Freen asked

"Did something happened " Char asked

"Yes, someone entered our safe house and they have destroyed it and also killed 2 members who were guarding the place. Cameras are no use the footage is gone " i said

"Well not all cameras won't be destroyed " Becky said and we all looked at her and she smiled

Becky's pov

Well we might have planted a camera in the safe house to check on them. But I didn't think that it would somehow give us some relief

"Look we know it's not a good thing to spy on you guys, but now it came handy na so don't be upset" I said looking at their faces.

"Upset, God Beck we have never been happy like this, even though it is not the right move to spy on us, we will forgive you for that" Noey said

"Wait I'll get the footage" Nop said went to his room.

"Do you have doubt on anyone" Char asked

"We do actually,we just have to confirm it before taking another step" Freen said

"Babe do you want something to eat or drink" I asked to Freen

"So biased, only asking her wife, are we really invisible " Nam teased.

"You have two hands go and take it. Don't ask my wife" Freen said and stuck her tongue.

"Becky what have you done to your wife" Char said dramatically

"What, don't be so overdramatic " I said as i roll my eyes

"Guys we got it" I heard heng's voice.

"Who is it?" Asked Engfa

"It's him right???" Freen asked and he nodded "Fuck that bastard" she said

"But we couldn't see everyone's face in that, cause they all were wearing hoods and Masks. And i think one of your members might helped him get in. Cause the guards werent tensed or altered when the first guy came in so we need to find the one who's helping the serpents. We need all the footages" Nop said

"What are our next move Freen, we can't just sit here and do nothing " Nam said

"I know, and i do have a plan. But I need time to think as well" she said

"We are here Freen , you aren't alone in this we all are here with you, whether it's with your company or with the gang" Kate said

"I know guys and thank you for that. I promise everything will be fine" Freen said

"Whatever you do, we will support you just let us know na" Char said and she nodded.

"I want you and Nop to check something for me" Freen said and they nodded

"I'll send you the details through mail, just check it" she said

"We are on it" Heng said as he grabbed his Laptop and Nop went beside him with his Laptop

"Why don't we have some food, I'm starving" Noey said

"That's a good plan" Engfa said

"I'll just check something for cook" Nam said

"I'll help" Kate went with her.

Irin, Noey and Char, Engfa was on their own world. I sat on p'Freen's lap. She was checking her phone and not giving me any attention.

"p'Freen" I said as i hug her

"What is it my love" she asked

"Mumu kha" i said like a child.

"Eeew get a room" I heard Irin's voice. But didn't give attention to her. p'Freen was chuckling at my cuteness.

She pecked me "happy" she asked

"No, I want more" i said

"Wait until we get home bec, it's not the right place" she said

"But i want you now wifey" i whispered in her ear seductively and roamed my hands on her croach area.

"Fuck" I heard p'Freen mumbled "don't play with fire bec" she said and i smirked

"I want to taste you now" i whispered again in her ears. "let's go I have a room here for me " i said again

"Everyone is here Bec" she said

"I don't care, you coming with me or are you gonna sleep on couch for a month decide " i threatened her.

"Where is the room" she asked

"Follow me daddy" i whispered and i saw her gulp. We both stood up to go upstairs.

"Where are you both headed to" Noey asked

"Don't be nossy babe" irin said as she grabbed Noey's attention. She winked at me before she kissed Noey. Damn this girl knows me too much.

I chuckled and let p'Freen towards my room here. As soon as I entered I pinned her and started to divour her lips. Our lips were moving in sync and i started to kiss her hungrily

We broke the kiss when we needed air to breathe.

"Damn, that was good" p'Freen said

"Too soon to say that love" I said as i unbuttoned her pants.

"Be-bec" she shutters

"Shhhh, let me take care of your big boy. You just relax and enjoy" I said.


Author's note

I know what you are guessing and let me tell you something......

Your guess is right

Wait for the next chapter, my lovely and not so naughty readers😉

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