66. it's your end

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Freen's pov

When I ended the call, everyone's eyes were on me.

"Let's go, we got the location" Nop said and i looked at him proudly. He knows what to do in these situations more than we do.

"Yes we should go to her" Engfa said and i nodded

"Yeah we should " Nam said

"Someone should stay back" I said

"Freen, no we need to be there" Nam said

"No, Nam we need someone to inform the police and get ready an ambulance, so you guys stay back and do the necessary things for the safety and me, Noey and Engfa will go there" I said

"I'll be coming and you won't stop me" Heng said and we nodded.

"Fine just be safe and we don't want to see any scratch on Becky" Char said and we nodded.

"Wait let me come with you" Saint said and we let him

Throughout the ride I was hoping my wife and baby would be safe. Even if she had a single scratch I'm gonna kill that motherfucker.

We drove our way towards the warehouse, we didn't stop anywhere, we just crashed our car and went inside. There were so many guards. We don't have any plan and we don't know how many are with us now.

The only priority is to make sure Becky and the baby is safe. We got out of the car and started to shoot them. I saw Becky tied up in a chair. I wanted to go near her but there were too many people blocking my way.

Shooting wasn't enough, we started to fist fight. It was tiring and exhausting but the anger had made me punch their guys out.

Most of the men's there were beaten up by us and they all were down. Then suddenly he came beside Becky and held a knife near her.

That motherfucker

"You've got company, Sarocha" Stefan said and laughed

"Let her go" Saint yelled

"How dare you yell at me, I'm your father" Stefan said

"You don't have the right to say that, I'm not your son, we have cut out ties a long ago" Saint said

"Basterd child, how could you stand opposite to your own Father, ungrearful one" Stefan yelled

"Fuck off" Saint yelled. I tired to go near him

"Don't you dare Sarocha, or you won't be seeing your wife anymore and I'll make sure of they" he said and i stopped moving

"Baby " Becky mumbled. Fear was written all over her face. I know she's afraid that something might happen to our baby.

"Don't do anything to her, please. I'll do anything you ask for" I begged him. Becky's safety comes first. He thought for some moments

"Knelt down and beg" he said

"Freen don't" the others yelled but I did what he asked for and i knelt down

"Babe, don't" Becky said as a tear escaped her eye.

"Please let her go" I said as i knelt down

"Guards" Stefan yelled and some mens came to us

"Fight back and you can see your wife bleeding out" he said

I didn't move or budge, they were hitting me and punching me. I just looked at my baby who was crying and yelling at him to stop this. I'm sorry love, for making you cry.

I smiled at her assuring that I'm even though they are literally punching me.

I heard my friends yelling. And suddenly we heard Stefan groaning sound and when I looked up, I saw him laying on the floor.

Noey, Engfa and Heng didn't wait any long they fought the men and helped me get up. I saw Billy and Seng untieing Becky and help her stand up. I made my way and hugged her. She hugged me back

"Oh my baby, you ok love" i asked and i felt her nodding her head. She was sobbing hard.

"I'm sorry na, don't cry" I said as i wiped her tears.

Billy's pov

I know my father will do something recklessly like this. So when he was sentenced to jail forever. We came back to Thailand and tracked my father's activity. Even though he was in jail. He had connection with the outer world. So we watched his move clearly and we knew that he was planning something.

But we were late whe we figured out his plan. Luckily we were tracking him for days so we knew where he was.

Again we were late, cause when we reached where he was. We saw him beating Freen with his mens and he was holding a knife near Becky. God how can he be so ruthless. She's pregnant, he should be considerate about that atleast.

We sneekely made our way towards him and kicked him off. He fell hard. We untied Becky and made her stand up slowly.

"Hey Bec Bec" I said and she chuckled. Even though her eyes were tearing constantly.

Then Freen came up to her and hugged her. Aww I envy their bond so much. They are so adorable.

We all were so engrossed in their lovely moment that we kind of forgot that my dad was still there.

The reality hit me when we heard a gun sound. He was pointing his gun towards Becky but the bullet went through Freen as she covered Becky with her body.

"Freen" Becky yelled and cried.

Seng went near my father and Engfa was with him too. Noey took her phone and was calling her.

Suddenly Becky's water broke, "Bec your water broke" I said but she wasn't listening to me. She was crying as she held Freen closer.

"Bec" Freen said weakly. Her strength was going down.

Suddenly saint came near them, i know him he is a doctor. I have seen him with them.

So i let him do what he wants. We heard the ambulance coming and they took Freen with them.

Then i heard another gun shot.

No, no ,no

Noey's pov

I made Becky take another ambulance, saint has gone with Freen. And i want to be with Becky. She was losing her consciousness and it was looking bad.

We reached the hospital, their parents and our gang was waiting for me to come.

Doctors took Becky with them to the operating room.

Everyone was in a chaos. Engfa came and she told that Stefan is dead.

The doctor came suddenly and asked Mr. Armstrong to sign the papers.

"Sir, there's a chance that both the mother and child won't make through. We are trying our best " the doctor informed and they all started to cry. Mr. Armstrong, uncle, Engfa and i were controlling our tears and trying to be barve for them.

Then, Freen's doctor came "mrs. Chankimah's family" the doctor asked and uncle and I made our way

"Sorry to inform you, but she has lost so much blood and it's gonna be a risky surgery cause the bullet got hit on her heart, can you please sign this so that that we can start the surgery" the doctor asked and uncle signed it. We can see that he was already broken into pieces when he heard the news.

Everyone was a mess after hearing both of their conditions.

There's a chance that both of them won't make it.

After an hour the doctor came back, holding a little baby.

We all made our way towards the doctor

"Congratulations it's a boy" she said as she showed his cute little face.

"Aww my baby" mrs Chankimha and mrs Armstrong said in unison as they cried.

"How's my daughter" mr Armstrong asked.

The doctor smiled weakly.

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