Part 3: Linear of Calamity

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In the spot of unfathomable force where existing can only be said threatening, however, in some cases can be the ultimate failure of the manifestation of the calamity. This further interior and exterior of the pursuit something that cannot be defined in illogic and logic. Furthermore, what is the calamity in the way of chaos, whether or not the calamity exists as the casualty in the sort of omnipotent force, or logic equivalence. As the calamity would strike and quiver the existence of above and beyond the fathomable, of which are the existence of being greater or exceeding the value of the absolute and the finite logic that seemingly span the continuum of cardinality. Until, the calamity stare upon something that could be said 'The End' or even 'The Beginnings', something that exist that is beyond its comprehension, yet, everything seems to attracted toward something that exist as the savior, messiah for all-essential and existential.

"A being like that could not be possible"

"If a being that exists with the beginnings and the end..."

"It will be something that I cannot foresaw..."

"The pursuit of something can be foretold, yet, this pursuit can be the exchange and equivalence of something in the price of return..."

"Better than yet... A vessel for all-essential and existential that is from beyond and above..."

"Furthermore, examination can lead to a paradox of pursuing something and being attracted to it..."

The calamity cannot understand it, nor can it predict something that is beyond its comprehension and seemingly not wanting to know it, the calamity decided to mark the story and work with it as the flattening concept that switches between reality and fantasy. Further into the examination will be the likelihood of knowing the intertwine of Destiny and Fate, as these entities are something beyond its own concept and its own duality on the way of being not bound by their own existence-like concept, which includes all-philosophies and such. The Calamity would not understand them, but familiar with them in some way and willingly to do just that to finally understand it.

"Planning... I need a plan..."

"Manifest, I need to manifest..."

"But, how..."

The Calamity is different from the rest due to its want to manifest in some way of vessel, the reason is the Calamity portrayal and other factors of existence that prohibited them from manifestation into the material worlds. The Material Worlds is like the real world, or physical worlds where everyone could interact with while for the Supernatural World is the existence of every imaginary and idea came from, however, only bounded by some other existence, or not existence portrayed like the Calamity, as the Calamity is being portrayed as the logic of the casualty and seemingly the Calamity as the chaotic that the reason of everything that could be said 'fortunate' and 'unfortunate', which alternatively could encompasses everything that could be said an 'ideal'. The Calamity would find a vessel and seemingly started to replicate that vessel, as the Calamity would transfer their own capabilities into the vessel successfully. The Calamity is not able to roam throughout the Material Worlds as she would explore the vessel memories.


"As much, i want to say, it's normal..."

"This vessel has the memories of being friends with its..."

Until, it would arrive and see something unexpected.

"H-How... are you alive...?"

"You know this vessel...?"



"Your friend's vessel is being used by the Calamity..."

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