Part 3: The Eternal Alavasta

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The sound of candle flickering, the smell of aroma from the candle; as 'Akatsu' would calm down and then observe situation, she is in; her eyes would glow and find herself in room that is resemble like her bedroom from her original place, causing her to undermines extensively and concrete herself to the point where found out, she is back to her original universe as she look at the candle; felt as if the candle was not there before, 'Akatsu' look closer, which the candle look far more different than any ordinary candle; as the candle, she seeing are emitting cosmos like star, as she conjuring the contradiction of the undermineding with the field between herself and the candle; then held the candle on her hands, then extensively; she notice something off about herself, she felt more calm mind and far more less emotional, this concrete 'Akatsu' that the possibilities of actualities will interconnection with all of the universe like a grain of sands; as which viewing far more differently as she see everything that is impossible for anyone to perceive, from concept to something will classified as narrative like structure/or realities, viewing them making her seeing practically and nonlinear that is nonsensical reasoning between the existence and all interconnection within all-encompassing odds conclusion, will act as between any odds of opinion that shown to becoming more absurably theological between neither nirvana, or enlightenment, but a greater force that naturally exist from all point of existence that interconnected with all-force within the confine natural order and chaos; that came before and after that happen, similar casualty but far more greater and impossible to conclude any, which she saw the narrative/or realities are inconclusive to answer, but only said.

"As if you put grain of units that opinion by any conclusive thoughts, or will infinitesimal the nonsensical and sensical between the restructure and structure that will remake as whole thing to necessity"

In the field of dimensionality, founded by the extensive dimensionality and mathematical; she then perceive them and self-centering the constitutional within all beyond the dimensions then separate them into a divided endlessness even any finite of numerology has became nothing, short of units finite separate dimensionality, which causes her to comprehend any finite of dimensionality, which she noted that each dimensionality contain a set that quantumly nonlinear of all possible and impossible odds outcome; then revealing that there are beyond the any finite number of units that could be say, like a set/or cardinal, unfolded the perception of 'Akatsu' into a everlasting continuum between all odds of beyond impossible and possible, review these dimensions as a grain of sands that constantly multiplying to the point of the multiplication separate the division and imaginary within the quantify amounts of set; seemingly modeling the extended outcome where everything has already happen that testify any coalition within the hence of exchange and equality, 'Akatsu' knowing this perception as the folded separation of logical and illogical set, then ascending to the constitutional level, where the dimensions cannot be affected by any morality, law, concept, and much more, therefore; the dimensions is unbound by sort of containment, 'Akatsu' has successfully bestow herself as 'god', simply cannot be contradict and non-contradict, meaning she is in the between level due to her being a human with apophatic theology, and the 0 = 1 absurdity, which excessively making exceed beyond the hypothesis that modeling the quantity and quality within the bestowment and nirvana.

Achieving such things cannot be bestow by anyone, nor the nonexistence of eldritch horror, neither; she cannot be molded and folded within the unfolded chart that incomprehensible to the point of being above the dimensions that can be say any set of finite and transcribe beyond any transcendental that sorted out into a equator of affection that simplicity cannot be view, nor cannot be possible as each action that she take are impossible itself, from moving in between came to be, or came not to be which remaking these design of dimensional field has been grasp by her preconceptional and precognitive of all beyondness bestowment, that emptying the excessive above the humanity, but not exactly, which violate the logical evolution and alchemical, even the mathematical conjure, philosophically uncharted the limitation of transcendental; 'Akatsu' has attain something beyond any understanding and compromise, become the first human to successfully attainment with pre theoretical and metatheoretical, seemingly cognitive and necessity all set of conjure grasp of the entirety of mathematical that can be say mathematical within a boundlessness mathematical. She was floating in the field model extension while simply starting to notice the events of herself being written and script it out from the very beginnings of her being an idea ? Protrude the branches out of the idea that came before existing ? nonsense, 'Akatsu' extended her arm and try to reaches the idea of herself, however, due to the reach and extension is an idea that form from due to the person arm and the object is far away from them, just like 'Akatsu', but cannot attain it, nor obtain the object. Suddenly, she was being pulled and sent to somewhere impossible to reach which is the root of idea itself, the root of idea look like a branches that is a continuous linear line that connected from the point to create another point, her perception saw a white pure tree like structure; the root then construct an object that look like a diamond like shape from the card game, as the diamond deconstruct into 'Akatsu' causing her body to change rapidly, was knock unconscious and completely obvious around her; then was send to somewhere that the root of idea want.

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