Part 5: Subjective Nonlinear

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The background and the narration started to fail as the blade continuously broke everything apart by separating the idea of assimilation and integration that exist; the all-encompassing paradox within it are subjective and interpretive; going along with the existing of restructuring the set of reconstructing will fractal the all-necessity within the actuality, to be simplicity and became something greater than the transcendental part of have been remade into a realities of realism were then breaking down until nothing left of the ladder of transcendent and self-exceed the fabric of discourse and course all-throughout of the greater magnitude equalizer being made and seamless of the infinite existing that being encompass by another set of infinity, or aleph. The anomaly has managed to dodge the blade incoming attack while seemingly constructing and forms an orb that seemingly could negate all-bypassing attack and within it are the subjective and interpretive realism. 'Akatsu' started to block the attack with her one-edged blade as the orb knocking her back at the distance of measurement has become assimilation and integration with the orb, then she would knock the orb back toward the anomaly.

"Taste your own medicine"

Suddenly, appeared in front of the anomaly with the combination of her blade and the orb, causes the eruption of the magnitude that seemingly extended beyond those of infinite ladder of transcendental and continuously exceed beyond any extended realism, which contrast between the theoretical and paradoxical subject, turning the course of the anomaly into nothingness then interpretive that into a discourse of simplicity. The anomaly would try to regenerate, but only to be met with nothing and seemingly each action that it try to make have been proven to be false subjective and ultimately cannot restore itself back to normal.

"Look like, i won"

"The only thing remaining is the core"

The core that is the appearance of a hexasphere was floating and emitting with transcension and extended beyond the all-encompassing existence, this essentially making the core an immutable force that can integrate and assimilate within any molded forms of separated omnipotent.

"Time to destroy it"

Suddenly, the core started to glow and force itself into 'Akatsu', she was bewildered by this and felt the core being integrated into her and removing any trace of divinity and replace with nothingness as her eyes start to perceive differently and her mind comprehend a sense of intangibility and incomprehensibility. In a sense of omnipotent can ultimately be immutable lock of all-encompassing essentially extended beyond those of set theory and the conjecture of ultimatum, meaning any finite/or endless set of prime, natural, and unnatural numbers will be far reaching of the limitation and restriction within any varies of dimensionality and the contrast of movement of dimensions, including the contradiction and non-contradiction within any conclusion, logical, and illogical existence. She then looks around to comprehend what is her surrounding and the viewpoint of her eyes has become anew to her.

"What is this ?"

She would look around.

"This is weird"

"How do I deactivate this ?"

'Akatsu' tried to deactivate the abilities but failed too and she then saw something far beyond extended existence without any essential of anything that is comprehension, her viewpoint seeing this has revealed its true appearance.

"This is your true appearance"

The anomaly started to form and constructed an action that simultaneously assimilated and integrated the all-encompassing extended within any essential and existential of all-knowing and all-powerful realism; ultimately, the conjunction of the conjecture has become anew and seemingly the transcendental that eternity will cause an incomprehensible and inconceivable of set within any essential transcendent and self-transcend. This causes 'Akatsu' to cut the thread and seemingly eliminate the essential and existential nature of its; naturally mean any nature of omnipotent that could extended beyond the all conclusion and action that can be logical and illogical sense, all-meaning became eternal and written as an infinite aleph of words that proven and statement will be nothing any existence of transcendental. At some point, 'Akatsu' felt herself being hit by something and half of her existence had been erased. This caught her by surprise as she didn't see what happened then saw the anomaly movement and seeing the movement meaning, the anomaly is moving faster than the very pinnacle of omnipresentity due to this and the fact that the anomaly has damaged her half existence. 'Akatsu' would form a plan to eliminate the anomaly for good while her half existence has successfully been restored to its normal state.

"I need to form a plan for the anomaly, but how will I do it ?"

Many constructed dimensionality started to distort 'Akatsu' surrounding which simultaneously assimilate and integrate into infinitesimal of infinity, then change to an aleph of transcendental that seemingly self-transcend beyond the extended of all-encompassing within any actuality and simplicity will automatically necessity between any necessary be infinite and irrelevant ladder of omnipotent and transcendental therefore; each and individual of ladder has infinite of transcendent and transcendental state, willingly and essentially became the due of action and conclusion be the movement of pre-conducted and pre-byproduct the before and after of wanting and how to existence, hence the individual become nothing but energized of omnipotent and encompassing the overseeing of extended fractal, and fracturing the exceed of existential and essential part of byproduct of any mathematical and philosophical ideal because of the various model realism extension will ultimately conjunction and conjecture between all-encompassing omnificence and ladder of greater than the transcendental. She would dodge all of them as many of them follow soon after, the ever increasing of speed had became greater than any aspects of formality and formal existence; ultimately, all-contradiction of conjecture will no longer exist because of the design within the limitation of speed and limitless, and all-places of existence have been instantaneous and already everywhere within any knowledge and incalculable worlds boundary of state. Restabilizing and rewritten such a way where anything being mentioned became part of nonexistence and non-ideal of omnipotent encompassing.

"At this speed of time... no, at the speed of incalculable, nothing can exist and be surpassed such an imaginary where the ideal becomes non-ideal for anything that exists within all-encompassing"

In which, she has successfully avoided the construct that is following her as she then already appears in front of the anomaly, then shifting the action of the narrative and above and below combine into one where the formal becomes absolute narrative, then the altercation has started.

"Let's test my new powers"

Then she would held onto her one-edge blade as she swing her blade onto the thread around her, including the anomaly thread that is connecting to an infinite point, specifically each thread are closure and genesis meaning any possible and impossible have been improvable cause and no longer exist within any ideal and imaginary, but a fiction within a fiction, or narrative within an infinite narrative where dimensionality below the prime number but in a negative prime numbers.

"Within the life of deviate, there is always life and death, but not closure and genesis"

"As they're a separate existence that can be said 'opposite', however..."

The blade is about to contact the thread.

"The exception is the thread itself, because it's truly omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient"

"If i'm correct, the thread is the end of your closure and genesis, you will no longer exist as a narrative or real"

"But an ideal that exists as nothing and will never be manifested as real in transcendental, or transcendent"

Then it felt like time had stopped, like an action and conclusion starting to freeze, the infinite thread would get cuts at the frame where it can no longer be before action, but an action that surpassed the action and conclusion of omnipotent.

"This is the end of you"

"And once the thread has been cut, you're never returned"

She would watch the anomaly dissipate into fiction within fiction and conclude the anomaly ending of reign.

"That's the end of that..."

"Looks like the gem within me is still there which means, i'm the new owner of the gem, now..."

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