Part 2: Extended Linear

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"This will be interesting-"

The anomaly would create an action that is seamless where the narration within all hypothesis and theoretical nonlinear of the linear, willingly became absolutism and fracture beyond all extended reasoning of calibration, in which has built it up until it develops into an ultimate contradiction of each action were formed. This contrasts the non-contradiction and contradiction that are extended beyond the formality within every part of necessity, which can be changed in an action of defiance and in-defiance of not wanting and wanting to break down; she would taken a notice of the action has been shifted and alter where ultimately saw the action is shifting the surrounding where the dimensionality has became beyond of the extended infinity, but a brief formality of eternity where everything has became silence and break down into a fundamental law and rule that has been set up where the conception and themation that surrounding her are the background setting of the fractal extension.

"The anomaly has an interesting action that could extend beyond that infinity where any infinity of dimensionality cannot reach this type of infinity"

"Also capable of some sort of develop and exceed the attack it took"

Then the surrounding of her has change to a calibration motion where it infinite in range, wide, length, and beyond all else, omnipresent and encompassing all-totality within the controller of conceptual and principles that could even be theoretical and metatheoretical, which in turn would discourse through all-else of omniscient and omnipotent will then course throughout all-transcendental term of background that set into a baseline of infinite concept apply toward something within the extended model realism, this in-differentiate of quality and qualify into the course of action will remake the normality and abnormality. Changing every course of action has change an infinite set of omega that is even, and odds number where it seamless and completely anew; meaning dimensionality and between platonic concept of the plato will gravitate and several cases of everlasting of dimensionality and realm, ultimately there is no longer dimensionality, but a concept of sort; but then 'Akatsu' was in a corridor of hallway that is indefinite of any comprehension and the hallway then stab her and seemingly endless spike like lance has stab through her existence while each spike like lance constantly and perpetually became nonsensical and logically nothing in the point of omnipotent immutable times, which with it are timeless, yet, seamless nothingness and bending the platonic plates that breaking the infinite ladder of transcendental and eternity that include the state of every ounce of absolutism. 'Akatsu' felt like an eternity of being stabbed, she then pulled every ounce of the lancer like a spike and ultimately countability and uncountability will no longer become a metaphorical, but a constant course of action, that has never been introduced as infinite cases of bypass and upper limitation.

"Never did i think, a pain of eternity can be everlasting and ultimately an action of normality to me"

'Akatsu' manage to absorb every single lance like spike and starting to stand up as she put her hand in front of her and constructed something unknown, yet comprehensible and incomprehensible of any course of work that could be describe, within it are nothing and everything exist as once and then exploded into a indescribable reason of casualty and duality that has been transcendent beyond all extended of immutable absolutism has destroy the entire corridor of hallway.

"Such immutable, yet extended beyond the reasoning in-differentiated of anything that could be stand with coalesce"

She looked around the precise destruction of nothingness, found the anomaly not there.

"If i'm right..., the anomaly using the hypothesis and constantly creating more and more, until it became the conjunction and interpretive with nonlinear"

"Then, i can construct a counteract with that hypothesis by trapping it inside the paradox where hypothesis cannot create more"

"Just like intuitively, black non-ravens are just as irrelevant as non-black non-ravens"

"But, i need to find the anomaly first, because i need to examine it abilities and to end it reason and hypothesis like powers"

"If not, then, i have no choice but to do a suicidal plan"

'Akatsu' manage to track down the anomaly location and start to travel through infinite set of omega plus omega, including the necessity of transcendental, aside from the aleph and cardinal concept, she has arrive and the anomaly is ripping the separate assimilation and integration to the root, she would construct a shard that interact with the non-physiology throw the shard toward it and stab through the anomaly, has cause it to felt pain, even though it has immutable pain.

"Alright, let's see, if this worked, if not, then suicidal plan"

She then creates a hypothesis paradox to negate the anomaly abilities of creating hypothesis paradox where the hypothesis are in the loop of hypothesis about itself and seemingly preventing the anomaly of developing any conjecture hypothesis in which could be an immutable state of unorthodox and paradoxical loop of apophatic. This will change the quantity and quality of the anomaly abilities, meaning it needs to use different abilities due to it cannot use the hypothesis creation in which cases is the source of the anomaly powers.

"It's worked"


'Akatsu' then create more shard send a continuum amounts of them toward the anomaly as which the anomaly dodging all of them while running away, then she would kick the anomaly back it once was and the anomaly knocking back where it originality was while the kick that she output is formal yet, outbursting and absolutely immutable where the kick are continuously being felt, however, the anomaly would manage to fracture the immutable kick and then start to deploy wings behind it back, then the wings would fire off continuum amounts of projectile that is slicing through the infinite platonic and quantum intangible, seemingly erasing the ladder of infinite transcendent, will encompassing the eternity state of all-source of hypothesis and theoretical construct. She would form a black hole like attack and extract every last part of the projectile into one and seemingly form a molded existence that essentially breaks down any assimilation and integration abilities into one eternity. Then, she sends the forms projectile toward the anomaly as every continuum projectile would get extracted to the black hole like attack and perpetually causing the projectile to get bigger and stronger; suddenly, explode in front of the anomaly who felt it and seemingly the blast radius of the projectile has encompass the entire set of theory that even destroy the hypothesis and seamless enough; interact with the metaphysical and pataphysical has made into a formality and necessity that has essentially bypass the entire infinite ladder of self-transcend and exceed beyond any extended variant of metatheoretical and assimilate into a part of infinite remaking the transcendental.

"Is it still alive ?"

She saw the anomaly still alive but barely, however, later, the anomaly has healed up most of it wound that been erase except one crucial part that is not healing, the anomaly chest has reveal some sort of core that is the appearance of a hexasphere with tenfold of powers to the tenth.

"That's probably the one keeping it alive"

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