Chapter 2: Genesis Testament, Part 1: The Separation

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'Akatsu' is now known as Gilgamesh and was sensing something off about the remote location, however, she was unsure about the being, she is sensing a being with divinity and seemingly reshaping their own figure which she start to get off her throne, willingly leave the kingdom to find the being location, which she manage to locate the corresponding part of the figure, reveal to be a woman with black hair and wearing only a white tunic, which the woman would introduce herself as Enkidu, and 'Akatsu' would replies only; Gilgamesh, which Enkidu already attacked her and seemingly countering Enkidu attack, seemingly casting magic that is as big as the mountain, Enkidu has expected this and corresponding her own surrounding to where the area successfully seal the prefire casting and seemingly destroy it, even though, magic is a supernatural and paranormal existence in fantasy and imaginary, to even destroy a magic circle is near impossible to do, but if a being that above the paranormal, then they can interact the paranormal; for Enkidu is different, she is the made from gods, seemingly act like their weapon due to her made out of clay with divinity that is greater than any gods out there, except the strongest and act for the gods which will binds Gilgamesh and Gods together. 'Akatsu' seeing Enkidu interact with the paranormal, it's not surprising from this due to her absorbing the gem that has all-knowing from that universe, is not surprising, however, she was not expecting that Enkidu manage to affect and obtain the authority over the divinity and paranormal, which 'Akatsu' became wary of her, due to Enkidu is the only being that could kill her which correlated with the mythology and legend; 'Akatsu' aka Gilgamesh would destroy the gem inside of her, which normally is impossible to do as the gem is gifted with all-knowing, but with the help of divinity, she is able to which affected inside of 'Akatsu' but the divinity essentially dominate the gem destruction has constructed its own universe which has several dimensions that correlate with the infinite essential time-space, and fate-destiny, ultimately has illogical and logical property that normally be ultimate V conjecture theory.

'Akatsu' manifest a conceptual will conjure up into a infinite vacuum of time-space, this is the concept of infinite vacuum aka the singularity, even though, it's only a prototype; it's could destroy/or erase the universe in the matter of minutes, or even lesser, the singularity is bending the infinite vacuum of time-space, seemingly fractal all of gravity within the inner and the outer; minimum the consisted of property will spread the correlate all of principles and Enkidu has already know the danger of this singularity has made couple countermeasure, then she would create a paradox that can trap the singularity in loop where it successfully trap the singularity in loop that seemingly use many statement to conjecture with the singularity and its own property, meaning the singularity cannot appear in the functionable worlds, but in a imaginary function; 'Akatsu', who has successfully distract Enkidu long enough to land blow toward her which she does so and seemingly knocking her back to an mountain that has split into two vertically, while this may seems destructive to all humans, however, for gods, that is normal for them to do, and Enkidu rebounce herself, then manifest a sword and to anyone eyes would be normal, but 'Akatsu' has already examine the sword and notice that the sword exist within the concept of sword and blade, meaning this weapon the concept of it, this indicate her that this sword is exist like the concept of it, where it can use any past, present, and future of any sword type property, the sword would restructure itself to a sword that look like every single weapon has been combine into one and seemingly emitting a endless amounts of presence that penetrate through the infinite atom of the universe, this cause 'Akatsu' to be wary of this and seemingly manage to dodge the lunge attack, then completely turn it around by making weapon appear like blunt force that seemingly hit hard to split atom apart, then combusing the atom around it; completely knocking Enkidu back, who is already blocking the attack and countermeasures the destruction around it.

Enkidu start to analyze a way to hit, or injure Gilgamesh, and manage to find one in an instant, as she would charge toward her, causes 'Akatsu' aka Gilgamesh confused and was actually ot injure from a sword behind her, realized the charge was a distraction and the sword was created by Enkidu from the ground, then; many weapons was created and seemingly saw spear, sword, bow, and shield, the spear is charging toward her, as she deflect all of the spear while the sword is countering her deflection, the bows firing a imaginary arrow that seemingly hit anything will create a random destruction level from ground destruction to mountain size like destruction; Enkidu would watch her with analyzing and start to move, already bind 'Akatsu' in place, and sealing most, if not all of her capabilities and was being injure from the arrow, spear, and sword, but, she was ignore the pain and manage to destroy all of the weapon by grabbing the spear and use that to deconstruct the weapons, Enkidu has already stab through her chest and cause her to grab the sword, then dematerialize the sword that was created by the gods, manage to absorb the sword and increasing her powers to the point of having destruction of the universe on her hands, with one grain of the universe is enough to break the fabric of space and time at the same time while destroying the infinite cosmos and the atom within it. Enkidu saw the greatest weapon got absorb into 'Akatsu', then her hands would come together and create a force that split several mountain into two, by her hands come together, then a wave of force would indevelop Enkidu and being pulled by the force toward 'Akatsu', as she push her back at the speed if impossible to measure with any meaning of necessary. The mountain would implode into Enkidu and create a destruction that could be seen light years away from Earth, she was injured and half of her head has been destroyed.

"This is getting worse... That Demi-God is getting stronger and almost on par with the universal level of gods..."

Enkidu would start to regenerate, then saw Gilgamesh is standing and seemingly waiting for her next attack; she then charge as many chain would come out of nowhere and seemingly binding Gilgamesh aka 'Akatsu' with chain that manage to piece and binded her, as Enkidu control the chain momentum and collide 'Akatsu' to the Sun, then move the chain to Jupiter; which seemingly destroying the gasses that are in Jupiter when collided with Jupiter, then she would conjecture the chain and seemingly make the momentum at the rapid pace where it would vibrate into a blackhole that devoid of any horizon but only singularity, causing the end of physics; however, the singularity would get destroy and absorb by 'Akatsu', whom is almost on par with the universe and then forms a hexasphere concept with singularity point, then Enkidu saw this as the hexasphere is coming toward her, she would forms a chain that is so powerful that it could eradicate all of concept within the universe, send the chain toward the hexasphere; upon the the collision of two projectile, causes a rupture the entirety of infinite cosmos and the destruction would emitted the necessity to collapse the entire universe into nothingness, including the infinite realm and dimensions, causing the distortion and singularity to be forms; which cause physics to be broken yet again, within the range of 10 to 100000 time over.

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