Part 2: The Descend

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The physics has been broken and causes the hierarchy of aleph-12 to be encompass by the destruction of physics, seemingly creating that all infinite space-time has affected the set and string theory, inaccessibly cause the forms of formality and necessity, as Enkidu was injured and seemingly some has broken down into nothing, even though she alive, but endanger of being destroy into nothing.

"To think, a being like her exists as the key to the god and human world, this is quite interesting..."

"How is it interesting ?"

"Because, you, the key of human and god connection are the one who chooses, which path, are you choosing ?"

Enkidu was right, as the key of god and human connection, the path of 'Akatsu' choosing is important of outcome, because the path will be already chosen and always be different, in the legend of Gilgamesh, he, who would separate the god from the human within all possible and impossible; this is the legend of Gilgamesh; then 'Akatsu' replied.

"I have already chooses, my path"

"How so ?"

"Because, the path is my fate and destiny to do so"

'Akatsu' would leave Enkidu, and start to return to her kingdom, as Enkidu think to herself and then wander around the planet earth, seemingly the path of what she is choosing, after mentioning the path, even though, its came out of her mouth, doesn't mean, she has a deeper knowledge about it and wondering about her own existence, and whether, she would help the god, or humanity as a whole; was interested in the outcome of what happens, yet, she cannot choose to do so.

"I'm just a weapon, yet, i felt like, i wished i wasn't a weapon, even though, i was made to be and doesn't felt like i was suppose to be the weapon of god"

"This feeling is getting to me, already"

'Akatsu' whom has already arrive to the kingdom and was sitting on the throne while thinking to about Enkidu path, and listening to her servant while wondering the predate of the humanity and god; decided to learn the eyes of time and manage to do so, which so far as she expected, successfully to do so, then saw nothing before the predate, only nothingness which 'Akatsu' was confused about this a bit, until, realized, that the predate was not recorded, before she got here; meaning, she has arrive to this realities and the worlds would be made, then started to wonder, how long will this take until the strongest come and fight her, before, she could think of anything, ultimately being interrupted by Enkidu, who has arrive to visit her.

"What do you want ?"

"I'm not here for anything, i'm here to talk"

Was not surprised about that, due to her learning the eyes of time and will always be the path to be chosen by fate, however, she has this feeling that something is about to happen.

"Why do you want to talk, even though you are the weapon of God ?"

"The reason is that, i want to experience something new and was rethinking about my decision"

"Really ?"


"Alright then, what do you want to be ?"

"Can we be friends ?"

'Akatsu' was in disbelief, sure, she was able to see the past, present, and future, but, does not mean that she can be surprised about this.

"What a interesting request"

"As the king, i allow this request and you shall be my friend for now"

This was the first ever friendship she has made long before the traumatic events, however, the corridor of outcome will reveal itself and will transcend beyond the corridor.

"Never thought, i would friend with the king"

"Oi, what does that mean ?"

"Oh, maybe, you are lonely"

"I am not lonely, you stupid clay"

"That was mean, you know"

"I don't care"

'Akatsu', or Gilgamesh and Enkidu would argue to each other like a child, while this may seems comedic and start a new friendship, but for the both of them are the battlefield, they have gone many adventure and seemingly exploring the world together, was starting to get to know each other and their bonds are growing; each exploration, conversation has starting to grow on them and they would start to talk more often, until, the gods would deconstruct Enkidu and seemingly slowly killing her in front of 'Akatsu', even though, she know the future, this however, cause her to felt heartbreaking and guilt all over again with her old friend then she saw Enkidu about to fall on the ground, causes 'Akatsu' to catch her and seemingly holding on to her.

"It's seems like this is the end, my friend"

"Yes... It's seem like it"

"Well... this is the most memorable moment, i ever seen"

"Indeed, it's was, friend"

"This adventure, was sure long way"

"This is my goodbye"

"Goodbye, old friend"

Enkidu would deconstruct into nothingness, 'Akatsu' knew, she cannot revive her, because she does not have the capacity of reviving Enkidu, knowing everything does not mean, she can change the event, but only to experience the event, she could have done something or even shift/or alter the future, altering the future will causes a calamity arrive and destroy all of concept and principles, she mourning Enkidu death and seemingly felt the sadness far from the deeper meaning, as she stand on Enkidu formal being, she will separate the gods from the physical plane. 'Akatsu' who is sitting on the throne of Urak, and has heard about the rumor about a herb that could make a anyone immortal; even though, she does not want to go, but, the rumor would create more chaos, if time go by, decided and significantly have no choice but to do expedition about the herb of immortality rumor; already left her kingdom and starting to find, obtain the herb of immortality, the herb appearance may look like a spider lily, but the different is the herb emit a immense amounts of particle, that can cause death, if breath in; some even stated, the particle of the lily can erode the very foundation of existence itself, was standing on top of the mountain and trying to scope out the herb, but only to see nothing, continue to search out and start to detect something underground, and seemingly coming toward her, the ground would start to shake and burst out from the ground is a crystalize worm that is ginormous, seeing the worm, and starting to a scoff a bit, later, its would shot out laser from out of nowhere, however, she manage to dodge it and saw a gate like portal that open by distorting the space-time continuum at certain degree of infinite ladder caliber of R^531, that include the hierarchy of cardinal plane within the ordinal, calibrate the portal and laser to be exist in a infinite other universe like dimensions; 'Akatsu' then start to this worm, an anomaly and willingly to deflect the laser back at the portal causing the portal to be destroy, then later, notice the worm has already left, the caliber of the worm is a threat toward her or even beyond any comprehension. Decided to deal with the worm later, and will try to find the herb of immortality.

While searching for the herb of immortality, she came across many weapon, treasures, and much more, from potion to relic, even the divine weapon that been forgotten for century, even though she came across all of these divine weaponry, she has not found the herb of immortality; until, she was stopped by a temple that is made out of incomprehensible material and start to adventure into the temple, reveal the interior to be a massive hallway that bring up to a massive cosmos like void; start to through the hallway and felt like it's been years, or even hundred of years, she found herself in garden that seemingly has many herb of immortality and a calm wind, started and bewilder by this, Akatsu' was paralyze for the longest time, has examine the herb to see that it's not a spider lily appearance, but a red flower with 7 floral and seeing the flower appearance is calming. Until something arrived and was seemingly waiting for her like a long time before, 'Akatsu' came here.

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