Part 4: Beyond the Cosmos

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Upon waking up, she finds herself in a void and seemingly looking around, only to find nothing as she tries to open a portal to get out, but nothing happening as she notices, there is no conceptual existential and essentially, making her the only one who survives the explosion. In the void, there is nothing but darkness and seemingly living with loneliness as she was in the void, her appearance is changing as the color would get remove and waiting for something to happen; decided to make an hourglass that is dropping grain of sands in the brief moment where the grain of sands has became the sea of fractal, seemingly implemented with all-encompassing and necessity to be formal will then assimilate, integrate the grain of sands to be part of all concepts, within her the hourglass that is incomprehensible and outside of the field conjure of comprehension, began to glow and appear right in front of her; causes her to be confused while the hourglass would forms a being that seemingly forms from the hourglass and she is wielding a scythe, that is inconceivable to any incomprehensible and comprehensible being while examining the scythe; she notify the being appearance look like a woman in her 20, her height is 8"5"ft, having an defiance beauty with silver-black eyes and wore a shoulderless dress with short skirt. 'Akatsu' is rather confused and sees the woman and is amused by her appearance; ultimately, she would wake up in the cosmos and seemingly looking a bit confused a bit while notices she was outside of the universe that she is in, and somehow out of the void. In a few moments of silence and thinking, 'Akatsu' would fly around the universe and saw the distortion that seemingly separates the rift of all conceptual and nonconceptual, decided to not move toward it; she flew away from the distortion to get away from the awareness of effect.

While she flying around other universes, she felt a distortion and notices, a change around her; the distortion has send her to another realities that is similar to the 2nd realities and briefly being teleport from the extended model and field of the realities has become unsettled to her to know about but fatefully encounter something very interesting; there is a unknown concept that she does not know about and seemingly it's taken a forms of an time watch, tracing the time watch location but only to find herself at a location where the time watch was not at, but she find herself in a labyrinth of maze that could change the distortion of all concept and realities of its own trajectory of transcendent cognitive, including the paranormal and ontogenetic of deus ex machina; seemingly figuring this out, she would fly at the speed where the concept of time linear that exist either past, present, and future, cannot bypass the byproduct of metaphysical and paranormal with the separate version. Of transcendental and self-transcend beyond all pataphysical and paraphysical, with it are transcendental and exceed beyond the brief of conceivable and inconceivable comprehension, then formal the distortion to the time watch and which she has arrive the location of time watch; seeing the time watch causing the distortion of this realities, as 'Akatsu' about to touch the time watch, the time watch would dissipate and seemingly on a different hierarchy of dimensions which then make her teleport to the location, but was short lived to see the time watch not there anymore, but distorting to random hierarchy of dimensions and 'Akatsu' saw the distortion would found this interesting.

'Akatsu' manage to catch up the time watch between distortion causes and effect by fracturing herself into the distortion and integrate herself into the distortion as a whole, contrast into a explanation of extended model and field then pressure into an all principals and theoretical interpretive and subjective assimilation and integration; the speed of in-between distortion case, it's that the in-between is outside and extended beyond all speed of notion and motion that could ever measure and countability of uncountability, which reveal the distortion to be the absolute self-exceed and transcendental level of apophatic, within all course of omnipresent and inducement of separation, there is no limitation to the distortion, however, the distortion can be contradict by another distortion which is the case for 'Akatsu' and distortion. She was able to grab the time watch and seemingly cause it to transport itself and 'Akatsu' to somewhere it never supposed to and seemingly detach itself to the attraction point of application, rewrote it to the point of being in the field and model of interpretive and subjective contrast. Hence, the field and model of the disturbing and distortion within this boundary of field then integrative and subjective idea; meaning she is outside the boundary of the infinite hierarchy of dimensions which is interpretive as narrative, or story; 'Akatsu' who is outside of the infinite hierarchy of narrative, or story has restructure beyond the structural integrative and assimilative of being able to caliber the ultimate conjunction and conjecture which extended the fractal and splitted into a mitosis that infinitely set it into a set theory that is repetitive and outside of the transcendental and immeasurable case of self-transcend. Ultimately the outside of infinite hierarchy of dimensions is a ultimate conjunction and function as the immovable force of casualty and reverse causality, 'Akatsu' who is now able to touch the time watch has merge with it and seemingly make her connected with the time warping and impossible lengthen of being beyond the function of f(n)=i^n^n_ie, thus creating a new body of physiology and seemingly became one with the time watch.

"Pain... pain.... This feeling is nothing but short live, but only felt as if i was in the nothingness that slowly chewing my existence; but now, anything that is comprehensible, or incomprehensible cannot reach and achieve of communicating with me"

She felt the pain of the time watch distortion and according to her, it's felt like everything from her metaphysical and transcendental level are in pain of the distortion due to the distortion can affect the transcendental and self-transcend existential, essential the time watch is nearly a threat to the transcendent being that has the powers of omnipotent, but just like the eden from the garden, everything would felt like all existential and essential has became one then collapse into nothingness.

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