Part 5: Ultimate Apophatic

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It's been aeon, or maybe trillion of aleph has passed, 'Akatsu' who is devoid of color and staring at the void while seemingly waiting for something to happen, she does not know how long she been in the void, but all she know, it's been indefinite amounts of times and the time has become inefficient to her and only work in the world of color; until, she heard a voice in the void, seemingly calling out for her, however the voice is not like anything like she has heard but it's felt like an indefinite amounts of children's voice screaming of mockery beckoning, some were hurtful and other are threatening for the long time, felt like eternity of not standing. Finally, started to stand up and walk toward the sound as she kept walking and start to notice the voice is everywhere, which is bearable at first until, the voice started to louder and louder while the voice kept on multiplying until there are insufficient amounts of differentiate, but, she kept walking with preservation and finally saw a light which 'Akatsu' walk through, only to see a garden with black spider lily and seemingly emitting some sort of essence, or essential unknown sort are flying toward a tree that is split right down to the middle as the branch has an indefinite amounts of black leafs as each of them are individual of fractal void and there is an apple that growing from the tree, before, she describe the tree, she was met by a being with a mist of nothingness that seemingly encompassing every part of everything that she has seen, not seen, comprehensible, incomprehensible and much more, as the being mist would absorb into itself and seemingly forms a woman of which has red eyes and black hairs with the height of being look like 5"4"ft but it's can be varies, her appearance is an ageless beauty that spans the forevermore and the, full pink lips and an hourglass figure untainted and pure, as her chest are big and seemingly the size of cup-DD; she was wearing a backward black shortened veil in her hair and a black dress with short skirt with a v-neck and collar like clothing around her neck.

"Well, look like, we got a lot to talk about, Akatsu"

"How did you-"

"Already know and you will learn about me"

"Called me Real Death, or Euphy for short"


Suddenly, 'Akatsu' and RD were transported to a remote location that seemingly has a tea table.

"Come and sit down, you have a lot of question about me and this place"

'Akatsu' would sit down on the chair that is seemingly made out of no material, or essential part of something that existent and non-existent with everlasting extended formula; as RD would sit other size of the table, tea would appear and seemingly the liquid was pure black, there was no smell nor even texture of its own.

"Drink it, you will find out about this"

'Akatsu' was suspicious of RD, but she decided to sip the tea and the taste was indescribable of any variety and variant, seemingly gently placing the tea down as RD was staring at her and making 'Akatsu' uncomfortable.

"Alright, i will answer some of your question and i will be honest with all of them"

There was silence for a moment, until 'Akatsu' broke the silence.

"Who are you ?"

"I'm Real Death"

"No, no, what are you ?"

"I give you a hint, i'm the cause of affliction, inefficient, The One with 13 Forgotten Names, and the represent of the opposite of the thing, you born with and made out of with it, are similar"

'Akatsu' would start to think and seemingly come with a word that is similar to born with and made out of are birth, the similar words are Genesis, Life, Alpha, and Beginnings and the opposite of it are The End, Closure, Death, and Omega.

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