Part 3: The Nonlinear

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"Hello, Gilgamesh"

"Who are you ?"

Saw the stranger's appearance, and she only saw a white figure seemingly staring at her, wanting to know about the stranger.

"My name, does not matter, but, i'm here to say that you found the herb of immortality"

"You would think, that the herb will make you immortal"

"No, the herb is a immortality giver, but a great powers within its"

"What do you mean ?"

"The flower usually called the eden, or even out-right, absolute by the gods"

"So it's not immortality herb"

"Correct, in fact, you are the first being to ever, find this unforsaken place and manage to pass through the flower test"

"Test ?"

"Yes, the flower will create a test, whether, you are worthy, or not, but it's seem you are worthy of being enter and gain its powers"

"Why does the flower think I'm worthy ?"

"Because, of your ambition"

"My ambition ?"

"Yes, you're ambition is to separate the gods from the physical plane"

These replies cause 'Akatsu' to be silent a bit.


The white figure would disappear and the flower of eden floating, coming toward her and then the flower was implanted in 'Akatsu' and removing all of organs, including blood; her body is now full of divinity and void with the powers of being greater than the universe multiple folded of hierarchy within the multiple aleph of infinity, her appearance has change significantly as before, but her perspective has been increase to the point of seeing everything in the universe time-space continuum. Including all-past, present and future, even fate and destiny; then realized that in the future, the strongest god would face her and will eliminate her, due to her existenting as an essential threat of the infinite aleph, this cause her to prepare for the worse and seemingly notice the place is disappearing, until she was outside of the temple that she enter. Then the sky started to crack and create a clone of herself, seemingly with the same abilities before she attains the flower, as she tell the clone of herself to rule over the Urak; as she fly toward the crack of spatial above the sky and entering the domain, saw only white and looking around felt like there are no fractal and fracture within wide extended; half of her body would gone into nothing and seemingly fall to the white ground, she regenerate her own body, but was pin down by someone.

"Look like, you made it"

"But just a little bit late"

Her perspective saw a woman wearing a dress with mandarin collar, right side opening with a knot buttons, fitted cut, wide opening on the side, and one piece, her left eyes color is red while on the right is blue, before she could describe her appearance; 'Akatsu' entire existence would get destroy into a field of nothingness that platonic and bent press the entire ultimate conjecture, which o = 1 has affected 'Akatsu' in the way where she is completely illogical and has no meaning; but she would regenerate back to normal and seemingly due to her being greater than fate and destiny, manage to get back up and shift the woman surrounding by causing the distortion around it to make spike penetrate through her, then break it apart by make the spike spin infinitely and rapidly increase to the point of apophatic, or dimensions became nothing, affected the domain and breaking down into nothing, until, a different domain was made; but this domain was being control by her.

"Well, that's was interesting, let's me introduce, myself"

"Actually, i'm not going to introduce myself, you already know my name anyway"

"It's Lamatta Astmanda, the goddess of metaphorical, the strongest god there is"

'Lamatta' would attack 'Akatsu' and seemingly retracting 'Akatsu' to the point of the singularity has been on her palm, then simultaneously slamming both of her hands until 'Akatsu' was crumble into an atom size, and then was split into two; being split into two, cause 'Akatsu' to regenerate back to normal, as she was regenerating, she would open her hand that will fire a conjunction of conjecture will contrast all-encompassing that necessary with the absolute necessity and formality, will previous brief of unity the altercation, willingly to break down until nothing left within the fractal of sumptuousness. Hence, restructuring these hierarchy of aleph superspace and infinite state of transcendent, practical term will separate the concept of a god, but 'Lamatta' would not separate the attack and then integrate the attack into a new forms of metaphorical concept that seemingly shifted the entire infinite number of physics that reside in the mathematical, causes 'Akatsu' to be send to another universe within the domain and seemingly was at the mountain of infinite oppression, she was stuck inside the mountain and causes her to assimilate the entire mountain into a shard that shine brighter than the entire universe itself, seemingly altering it property until the shard property is boundless and shifted the entire existence of fractal numerous within the set of infinity, the shard would fly toward 'Lamatta' as 'Akatsu' would teleport away somewhere inside the domain; the shard would already hit 'Lamatta' while she was teleporting, after 'Lamatta' got hit, leaving her only a hole on her left eyes, the damage would alter back to normal and using the domain to attack 'Akatsu'; would succeed and cause her to get stab by the domain that 'Lamatta' used, this would fatally injured her regeneration and immortality, combat the nullification and manage to attain immutable aseity to counter the nullication; then she would construct a sword that would used all of her treasure that she found in the world and impue it with before concept, and only to emmit something brighter than anything been mention, and then swing to cause the domain to crumble into nothing, due to the sword property to induce the entirety of omnipotent and all-encompassing immutable existence.

"As i expected, you are cunning and calculative"

'Lamatta' already appear and exerted a force that revert the immutable force within 'Akatsu' cause her to send back and slam down by a pillar and seemingly breaking down the domain with the pillar which contrast all numerous concept; then breaking the entirety of emitted and encompassing attributes within all boundary field,'Akatsu' was being pinned down on the ground and a beam construct out of nowhere which penetrate through the entire domain imaginary and functionality; this however, cause 'Akatsu' to assimilate entire pillar into a scythe that could bent all of concept and principality within the fractal of hierarchies, swing the scythe x and y-axis causes a tectonic plate of platonic to shift until it become opposite it use to, the domain has became half opposite, start to swing rapidly toward 'Lamatta' and causing the domain to get shifted multiple times and then, the domain interior would spin infinitely and conjecting the logical and illogical conjecture. This ultimately fractured the domain into infinite of them, and 'Akatsu' was standing on the domain fragment while 'Lamatta' was on the other side, the tension between them would grow and then in a flash felt like eternity. Has caused the domain to fractured even more and seemingly altering to the point of continuously and endlessly cycling the fractured and fractal. The subsided reveal 'Lamatta' and 'Akatsu' heavily injured due to the impact and domain collapse while she was holding the scythe and start to imbue it with every ounce of her powers and causing the infinite hierarchies to be shaken, releasing the swing will contrast and encompass everything into integrate motion of assimilate until it become nothing but illogical, 'Lamatta' start to release everything within her and seemingly becoming a chain that could bind everything and every ounce of immutable omnipotent force, which ripping the entire narrative story plot and infinite cardinal of infinity, the clash of the two would send shockwave that could implode the entire universe, or even merging every universe into one, the more time has pass the more likely that the entire brief manifold of necessity and formality to be fracture into fractal amounts of nothingness. The force of the two has brightened all of the universes and seemingly the immense collision would form a spiral darkness that swallows everything, until there is none left.

'Akatsu' would suddenly crash onto the ground and her head felt a very sharp pain, yet, endure it and her perspective, she can only saw darkness and notice the woman name 'Lamatta' was nowhere to be scene, this cause her to think; she has finally won the battle as she fall unconscious.

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