"Done looking at it?" Raven asked when she noticed Mei being so invested in a seemingly unimportant detail.

Mei didn't reply and only continued walking.

Elham had finaly pulled through the vent system, she will never do that again, and was able to open a window for her white haired friend.

Satomi swung in without a problem and Elham closed it again.

"Okay, where searching for anything that associates this facility with the Black Dragons." Satomi said. The two carefully walked out of the room, but no security was in sight so they walked around freely.

The room itself was big, various phrostetics parts where being worked on. Elham grabbed one of them and layed it back immediantly.

"Seems like the batteries are being put into the phrostetics here." The black haired one said.

"How do you know?" Satomi asked intrested.

"Saw them before. In our line of work, someone loosing a limp is sadly normal." Elham said and continued searching.

"Saw some people loose their arms and legs when we where helping in Manila. That Honkai beast claw cut clean through both of her arms, right before it was cut down. When I covered the medics that beast cut off my left hand. Damn I hated that mission." Satomi said as she took one of the files in her hand and read them.

"You where in Manila?" Elham asked.

"Yes, but not for long." Satomi said. "Here, listen to this and tell me what you think about it." She said and started reading out a section of the file in her hand.

"September 2016: Project CT-5555 showed resistance but eventually accepted the offer." Satomi read out.

"That doesn't sound like it's about machine parts." Elham said.

"Yeah, there isn't anything else on this, better find the office of that Dr. Foster." Satomi said and put the file back in place.

In the distance there where steps, barely audible.

"You heard that?" Elham whispered.

Satomi shook her head but when the clanking of heals came closer she started hearing it as well.

The two hid behind the desks around them and silently listened to the now arriving person.

"It should be around here." That oh so familiar voice said to her partner. Once more kind and gentle but now harder and more deciting.

"You check out that wall, I do the other." The rough assassin voice said. She too had a kind side but it was only coming out when being around her children.

Satomi looked at Elham. The two pulled out their guns and gave eachother a handsign.

Both jumped out of their hiding spot and aimed their weapons at the World Serpent members. Satomi aimed her pistol on Mei and Elham on Raven.

"Hands in the air and don't move!" Satomi shouted.

Mei and Raven spinned at them and where about to pull out their weapons.

"Raven don't do it!" Elham warned and Raven took it seriously, putting her hands in the air. Mei put her hands up in the air as well and quietly watched her former Sensei.

"Well, what now?" Raven asked.

"You better tell us what you are doing here and what Mei did to end up wanted in three countries." Satomi said dead serious, her eyes focusing on Mei all the time.

Raven and Mei looked at eachother for a moment. The assassin nodded, knowing it was better to cooperate instead of start a fight where no one was sure who would go home victorious.

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